Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Koblenz undead soldiers from 'Shockwaves' (1977)

Shortly before the start of World War II, the German high command began a secret investigation into the powers of the supernatural. Ancient legend told of a race of warriors, who used neither weapons nor shields, and whose superhuman power came from within the earth itself. As Germany prepared for war, the SS secretly enlisted a group of scientists to create an invincible soldier. It is known that the bodies of soldiers killed in battle, were returned to a secret laboratory near Koblenz, where they were used in a variety of scientific experiments. It was rumored, that toward the end of the war, allied forces met German squads that fought without weapons, killing only with their bare hands. No one knows who they were or what became of them, but one thing is certain, of all the SS units, there was only one that the allies never captured a single member of.’

There is something campy and yet terrifying about the underwater Nazis from the movie Shock Waves. Even for most of the movie, you don’t really shake the feeling that despite the campiness, there is something very surreal and very terrifying going on. Perhaps due to the presence of Peter Cushing or the sequences where the undead are resting in pools, there are moments where Shock Waves plays on the viewer, and it’s creepy movement. Films like Outpost, The Devil’s Rock and even the first Dead Snow I think attempt to capture the ‘Evil Nazi Horror’ concept, but I personally don’t think they are as creepy as Shock Waves.

Why The Shockwave ‘Zombies’

I think that the best reason I went with the undead Nazis from Shock Waves was the fact that it creeped me out of a kid, almost as much as the Blind Dead did with their undead horses. I think that the fact that they were zombies, but not Romero or Voodoo zombies and it was something I hadn’t seen before caused it to stay with me. It took years, but like Sugar Hill I finally got a copy of Shock Waves on DVD recently, and it wasn’t as awful as I thought it would be. I certainly think that the undead Nazis are good enemies and potentially good adversaries.

Shockwave ‘zombies’


Typical 'zombie'

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Am (50)*
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 90
Karma: 22
Popularity: 0/-5 (as part of the Koblenz program)
Resources: N/A

Unarmed Combat
Small-unit tactics

'Undead Nature': The Koblenz undead soldiers are essentially zombies of the truest sense: They are not alive nor are they dead - completely immune to the effects of their environments, capable of some independent thought and action, and unable to be hurt in the conventional means. How the Kolbenz Zombies have been reanimated and through what means they are maintained remain a mystery, but it is assumed that it was some combination of forbidden science and technology. As the Koblenz 'Zombies' are reanimated, they have the following abilities:
  • True Undead Nature: The Koblenz Zombies do not need to breath, eat, sleep, or regenerate. The Koblenz zombies simply ignore environmental conditions such as heat, cold, submersion, darkness, or other traditional environmental means. They are considered completely impervious to environmental conditions. In addition, the Koblenz zombies seem to possess typical (06) body armor, effectively ignoring any damage at that level. The Koblenz zombies cannot be stunned nor can they be affected by stagger or similar effects - They can however be slammed and still are affected by area attacks. The Koblenz Zombies are not forced to make Endurance FEATs vs. Death, instead they simply ignore the effect but take the damage at rank. When either separated from their visor or reduced to 0 health, the Koblenz Zombies simply cease action and are destroyed.
  • Heightened Senses: Although not specifically addressed as such, the movie supports evidence that the Koblenz zombies can see heat and in total darkness, as well as being capable of spotting hidden humans either directly or through listening for breathing.
  • Non-Decay: Although the Koblenz Zombies are dessicated in many ways, they do not decay nor do they suffering from being 'water-logged' through deep submersion. The Koblenz Zombies seem to be adapted for their nature and are not restricted by decay or any other similar effect.
  • Surprise Attack: The Koblenz Zombies seem to be able to effect successful surprise attacks, gaining a +1cs to do stealth/sneak checks.

The Koblenz Zombies do not maintain their contacts, even with their still-living superior officers. The Koblenz Zombies are effectively unable to communicate outside of themselves and choose not to.

Horrifying Visage: The Koblenz Zombies are very easy to spot, and cannot hide their nature or are unable to do so. As such, the Koblenz Zombies suffer a -1cs to reaction bonuses or ability to disguise exactly who and what they are.
Limited Numbers: The Koblenz Zombies cannot make more of themselves, and are limited to the numbers they had when originally returns (approximately a platoon is left). As such, they are limited to their larger actions, and when destroyed, and further limited.
Goggles: The Koblenz Zombies are armed with a set of goggles which seem to not only amplify their senses but also keep them going somehow. When the goggles are destroyed or removed, the Koblenz Zombie simply becomes a corpse. How and why this works is still unknown, but it is shown to be the most effective means to destroy them. The goggles require a successful Fighting or Agility FEAT in order to remove, which the Koblenz Zombie may oppose.
War Criminals: The Koblenz Zombies are technically war criminals and would be hunted by appropriate agencies if discovered.


Terrible but memorable movie. The reason of the high Endurance rank is that the Koblenz Zombies are build for primarily being able to 'survive'. They are easily capable of acting and reacting at that level, possibly higher, but I chose to limit them at Am (50) for the reason that I think that simply put, it's doubtful the human body could sustain any higher, regardless of the technology.

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