Monday, August 20, 2018

Matthew Cordell, the Maniac Cop from 'Maniac Cop'

He'll kill again... he enjoys killing.

Matthew Cordell was a cop who was brutal, unforgiving, and unwilling to stop. Decorated and yet reviled by his corrupt fellow officers, Cordell was set-up for crimes he didn’t commit and sent to Sing Sing, the very prison he had sent various criminals to while a cop in NYC.

Once there, Cordell was quickly attacked and beaten, disfigured and apparently killed. Only the faintest trace of life remained, and Cordell was quietly released, believing he would never wake from his coma. Cordell did wake, and began a bloody and homicidal rampage through the city, seeking to destroy those who had set him up, as well as anyone else who got in his way.

Matthew Cordell, The Maniac Cop

Officer Matthew Cordell

F: Rm (30)
A: Gd (10)
S: Ex (20)
E: Rm (30)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 80
Karma: 36
Resources: Pr (04) at best through his ex-wife Sally
Popularity: 2/5/-10 (As police officer to general public, To other officers in the NYPD, as the Maniac Cop Killer)

Law- Enforcement*
Blunt Weapons
Knowledge: New York City area

Maniac Drive:
Cordell is driven to not only gain vengeance for himself but to punish anyone who gets in his way. As such, Cordell displays many pseudo-powers in his pursuit, which combined with his own almost inhuman endurance and strength make him more than a match for groups of people. These abilities include:

  • Inhuman Tolerances: Matthew Cordell cannot feel pain like a normal human, and shrugs off pain easily enough and is considered to have a variation of Iron Will at Ex (20). Cordell simply doesn’t acknowledge the damage from such things until it overwhelms him.
  • Adrenalized Strength: Cordell’s strength is far greater than a man his size and build, which is impressive as he’s already fairly large. As such, Cordell’s strength hovers around Ex (20) most times, with rare occasions where he has shown that he can display near superhuman strength – such as flinging men off of him or tossing people several feet. For the purposes of this write-up, it is assumed that Cordell has Ex (20) strength due to his condition and that it is always in effect.
  • The Drop: Cordell seems to be able to get the drop on people with frightening regularity, and as such is assumed to have something akin to Gd (10) stealth for such purposes. Cordell seems to be able to show up at opportune moments without discovery at will.

Bladed Billy-Club: Cordell utilizes a custom police billy club, which possesses a concealed blade inside of it, which is made of Gd (10) material and can do Gd (10) edged damage, halving effective body armor.

Matthew Cordell has no real contacts.


  • Horribly Disfigured: Matthew Cordell is horribly disfigured due to the attack in Sing Sing and cannot hide his identity easily. In addition, Cordell suffers a -2cs reaction bonus when attempting social FEATS.
  • Maniac: Cordell does not seem to care who he kills, innocent or guilty alike. Cordell kills his only real contact, his ex-wife Sally, when she is no longer a use to him. Cordell kills casually and often, but is not so insane as to be openly overt – he chooses his moments and then maximizes his body count. Cordell is also obsessed with getting revenge on those who set him up and had a hand in his disfigurement.
  • Believed to be deceased: Cordell is believed to be dead, and as such is considered to have no identity or resources. The resources that Cordell has currently were probably provided by his wife Sally.

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