Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ginger Fitzgerald from 'Ginger Snaps'

Ginger Fitzgerald

F: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
A: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
S: Pr (4) / Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)
E: Gd (10) / Ex (20) / Rm (30) / In (40)
R: Typ (6) / Typ (6) / Typ (6) / Pr (4)
I: Typ (6) / Gd (10) / Ex (20)/ In (40)
P: Typ (6) / Pr (4)

Health: 22 / 38 / 60 / 100
Karma: 18 / 20 / 48
Popularity: 0
Resources: Typ (6)



Werewolf: Ginger is infected with Lycanthropy, slowly transforming into a werewolf over the course of several days and stages. Ginger slowly will change fully into a large wolf, and along the way will inflict damage and violence in her wake. Ginger, much like the previous write-up of imhotep, gains powers during the slowly stages she transforms:

  • Stage One: Initial Stage, no change
  • Stage Two: (Reflected in the second set of FASERIP), Gains Heightened Senses Pr (4), Regeneration Pr (4), and slowly physically begins to transform. She also gains Natural Weaponry: Claws Gd (10), and infect individuals with lycanthropy.
  • Stage Three: (Reflected in the change in FASE) Gains Heightened Senses Gd (10), Regeneration Gd (10), Recovery Gd (10), Natural Weaponry Claws Ex (20),
  • Stage Four: (Reflected in the change in FASE), All powers go to Ex (20), gains Natural Weaponry: Bite RM (30).


Brigitte Fitzgerald


  • Monk's Hood: Ginger is capable of being cured by the herb Monk's Hood
  • Unusual Looks: As the changes progress, Ginger becomes less and less human. The changes are occasionally painful and are very noticeable.

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