Sunday, September 13, 2020

Tulip-Head, The Upside Down, and Barb from

Tulip-Head (Demogorgon)









F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Pr (04)
I: Rm (30)*
P: Gd (10)

Health: 140
Karma: 44
Resources: N/A
Popularity: 0

Tulip-Head has shown no real intelligence outside of cunning and instinct as of yet. As such, Tulip-Head has no real talents.

Extra-Dimensional Being:
Tulip-Head is a creature who exists in both the prime material plane and in the Astral Plane (dubbed ‘The Upside Down’), and is capable of crossing between the two after its home dimension was accessed by Eleven during a psychic experiment. While Tulip-Head is the nickname for the creature from the internet, the creature has no name and has displayed no real intelligence outside of a desire for prey and an enhanced set of animal instincts. Tulip-Head plagues the small town of Hawkins for almost a week, abducting and eating several residents (as least six to eight) during its initial encounter. Tulip-Head has been observed to have the following abilities:

  • Extra-Dimensional Physiology: Tulip-Head seems to be adapted to exist in a state of Astral space dubbed ‘The Upside Down’. As such, its physiology is perfected to be a predator. Tulip-Head seems to have Ex (20) Armor vs. Physical attacks, although it can be trapped and harmed by objects which halve its natural defense. Tulip-Head is immensely strong in comparison to a human being and has greater agility and endurance due to its adaptions. Tulip-Head is also perfectly adapted to its existence in the Upside Down.
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: Tulip-Head’s claws can sever objects and do Ex (20) damage, halving natural and artificial normal armor’s effectiveness.
  • Natural Weaponry: Bite: Although not expressly seen, the detachable and sectional mandible of Tulip-Head makes it capable of rending flesh with Ex (20) ability.
  • Dimensional Travel: Tulip-Head can move freely between normal space and the Upside Down with Am (50) ability. Tulip-Head can also drag individuals with it, usually future victims by touch. Whenever Tulip-Head moves between dimensions, the electromagnetic spectrum goes wild and visible distortions occur. This is usually followed by an organic residue and similar distortion in many areas that it opens its gates from. Moving through water seems to be the easiest means, and leaves no immediate residue. Tulip-Head favors specific areas to cross over dimensions, such as Hawkins Labs or the Byer residence. These areas as well as areas outside of the woods are the places in which the veils between the Upside Down is thinnest with normal space.
  • Regeneration*: Tulip-head recovers very quickly from damage, recovering from both a series of attacks and being set on fire in a short time. Tulip-Head seems to have Ex (20) Regeneration, as well as Gd (10) recovery. It has been suggested that Tulip-Head regenerates faster after feeding.
  • Tracking*: Tulip-Head is able to track across the dimensional barriers with Rm (30) ability, being able to track specific prey once it has engaged them or ‘locked on’ again. Tulip-Head seems to require encountering an individual in order to track it, and cannot track someone whose ‘trail’ is cold or off (It had issues with Will Byers in the Upside Down once it lost him, but once it knew where to begin its search, it was able to pick up the trail quickly).
  • Dimensional ‘Sensing’: Tulip-Head can perceive what is happening in real time from the Upside Down at the same time, utilizing a sense which allows it to sense in both places at once. Tulip-Head only needs to make an Intuition FEAT in order to perceive what’s going on in a particular area, but is limited by its instincts and intelligence.
  • Blending: Tulip-Head is able to distort the visual spectrum and appear nearly invisible. Tulip-Head does with Rm (30) ability. Tulip-Head is not truly invisible, but for the most part as it only attacks in dark locations at night, it might as well be.

Tulip-Head has no contacts.

Very little is known about Tulip-Head, whether there are more than them or if it was a solitary creature. What is known is that Tulip-Head has several key limitations, which include:
  • Predatory Animal Intelligence: Despite its cunning, Tulip-Head has only a basic animal intelligence. As such, Tulip-Head is lured into a trap utilizing the proper prey, as well as hunt for prey rather than possessing an agenda. As such, Tulip-Head can be manipulated into traps and activities accordingly.
  • Dimensional Physiology: Tulip-Head thrives in darkness and at night. Tulip-Head is not active during the day nor does it seem to prefer to act in places which is artificially lit, unless provoked or drawn by great deals of blood. Tulip-Head suffers a -1cs to activities in daylight (but not artificial light). Tulip-Head must make a Psyche FEAT to operate in well-lit areas.
  • Terrifying Visage: Tulip-Head is hideous and alien, forcing those that deal with it to have a -2cs reaction bonus.
  • Blood: Tulip-Head is drawn to blood, requiring a -2cs Psyche FEAT to resist appear and attempting to attack areas where fresh blood exists. The larger the amount, the greater the chance that Tulip-Head will be drawn.
  • Dimensional Distortions: Tulip-Head’s emergence into normal space always includes electromagnetic distortions of an area as well as physical effects as the creature appears. As such, Tulip-Head’s appearances can be somewhat prepared for and tracked. Once the distortions begin, Tulip-Head appears 1d6 Rounds later.

The Upside Down

But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side?












The Upside Down is a dimensional space similar to Astral Space discovered by Eleven when undergoing an experiment at Hawkins Lab. The Upside Down is a dark mirror of the normal world, with similar buildings, objects, trees, and other landmarks in a distorted version where the temperature is always just above freezing and that nothing living exists outside of the Monster. The Upside Down can only be accessed through dimensional portals, such as the maintained portal at Hawkins Lab or the temporary portals created and used by Tulip-Head during its nightly forays into normal space.
Due to the extreme nature of the Upside Down, things seem to be breaking down or in ruins compared to their counterparts in Normal Space. It is unknown if the Upside Down is bound specifically to the areas around Hawkins or if it is somehow a pocket dimension. What is known is what happens to those who find themselves in the Upside Down:

  • Reduction in Endurance: The Upside Down begins attack a person’s Endurance, which begins with a Fe (2) ever-present cold and chill. Slowly, gradually the person finds their Endurance ranks lowered, depending on their time in the Upside Down and how they arrived. If a person arrived with warmer clothing or a bio-hazard suit, they may find the effects lessened. Persons inside the Upside Down must make Endurance FEATS each eight hours they are present. A White Result lowers the Endurance of the victim by -1cs. Once the victim reaches Shift 0 Endurance, they simply are overcome and die. What should be interesting to note is that the effects of The Upside Down may also be mitigated or slowed by familiarity: If a person goes to somewhere they know (such as Will Byers going home or to his constructed club-house known as Ft. Byers), the effects are lessened and while suffering the cold effects they victim can maintain their Endurance. Mechanically this is represented by an additional Psyche FEAT before the Endurance FEAT. A green result or better means that the person can avoid the Endurance FEAT check for that period.
  • Darkness: It is always night in the Upside Down, reducing visible perception to about 20’ in most areas. Intuition-based actions are limited by -2cs in the Upside Down, and those with enhanced senses, Danger Sense, or other senses will find them reduced even further to -4cs while present inside of the Upside Down.
  • No Obvious Portal: There are no obvious exits or portals in the Upside Down, with the only real portal inside of Hawkins Laboratory. Dimensional Travel outside of the Upside Down is limited, requiring the use of established exits or portals created by Tulip-Head during its ruptures into normal space. Individuals can make Intuition checks to perceive some activities, and watch and observe actions in normal space. Exits however are difficult, and may attract Tulip-Head.









”I’m Chill"

Barbara Holland

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (4)
S: Pr (4)
E: Typ (6)
R: Gd (10)
I: Gd (10)
P: Typ (6)

Health: 18
Karma: 26
Resources: Pr (4)
Popularity: 0*



Nancy Wheeler
The Internet

Nancy Wheeler’s Best Friend: Barb attempts to Look out for Nancy at all times, which leads to a lot of trouble and a helluva pool party.

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