Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctor Alexander Thorkel from 'Doctor Cyclops' (1940)

Doctor Alexander Thorkel


















Dr. Alexander Thorkel

F: Pr (04)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Rm (30)
I: Gd (10)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 22
Karma: 60
Popularity: 0*
Resources: Rm (30)

Energy Research
Particle Physics
Knowledge: Current Scientific Trends
Knowledge: Famous Scientists
Knowledge: Home Area

Powers: None

Radiation Chamber: Thorkel has constructed a radiation chamber, which utilizes the natural and weird combinations of Radium and Uranium to shrink organic material. The chamber is large enough for about 6 - 8 people, which allows Thorkel to shrink his victims to 12''. The process for shrinking is over in 10 rounds, and once started, cannot be stopped through conventional means. Each victim must make an Endurance FEAT or be rendered unconscious vs. Am (50) intensity, a side-effect of the process. The victim will awaken within 1-10 rounds after the process has been completed. Penalties for being at a reduced size are listed within the advanced rules and are applied immediately.

Victims are not permanently shrunk, as the process is not completed. Victims will return to their normal sizes with 6 - 8 weeks, perhaps faster depending on additional options with no additional damage done. As Thorkel's device was incomplete prior to the events of the movie, any living creature shrunk prior to the film must make another Endurance FEAT vs. Death or begin the dying process. During and after the movie, Thorkel's device is completed, rendering it 'safe'.

Thorkel *may* still have some contacts within the scientific world prior to the film.

Thorkel is faced with several key limitations:
Arrogant: Thorkel is extremely arrogant, which grants a -1cs to any attempts to persuade or manipulate people. Thorkel believes himself superior intellectually, and that people are merely tools to be used.
Cold-Blooded Murderer: Thorkel is a cold-blooded murderer, and does not attempt to hide this fact nor does he feel remorse.
Nearly Blind: Thorkel is nearly blind, and requires thick glasses to see. Without his glasses, Thorkel is at a -4cs to any actions which requires visual perception, and his Intuition drops to Pr (04). In addition, Thorkel will not notice small details and perhaps miss essential clues or activities. During the movie, Thorkel looses a pair of glasses and has the remaining pair have a lens destroyed (Hence, he becomes a 'cyclops').

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