Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Monk from Batman (1939)

The Mad Monk





















Real name unknown

F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: Rm (30)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: In (40)

Health: 130
Karma: 90
Popularity: 0/-5
Resources: Rm (30)

Mystic Origin*
Knowledge: Ritual
Knowledge: Vampires
Knowledge: Eastern European Folklore
Knowledge: The Wealthy and Powerful
Knowledge: Area: Europe
Animal Training*
Sharp Weapons
Knowledge: Deathtrap Design
Knowledge: Lair Design
Knowledge: Human Psychology

Master Vampire: The Monk is a master level vampire who has developed both a large following and the ability to conceal his true nature. The Monk is unlike other vampires of the DC Universe in so far that he possesses different abilities, drives, and powers. The Monk's vampiric abilities include:

  • Hypnotism: The Monk's hypnotic commands are very potent, even nearly overcoming Batman several times during their initial encounter. The Monk's hypnotic abilities are at Rm (30) intensity, but are further increased with his talents of Mesmerism and Human Psyche, making his effective rank Am (50) when he has opportunity for either studying or preparing for an opponent. The Monk requires only two rounds of study to prepare, similar to Martial Arts D.
  • Vampirism: The Monk can create additional vampires, but does so sparingly, choosing those individuals who would direclty benefit him or serve him. Transformation into a vampire requires at least the vampire's bite. Victims who are bitten and begin to transform can be saved should the Monk be killed.
  • Animal Control: The Monk has Rm (30) ability to control predator and/or carrion animals. In addition, the Monk can train specific animals such as apes and exert his animal control on them as well, similar to his hypnotic abilities.
  • Invulnerability: Like most vampires, the Monk is invulnerable to traditional forms of damage. The Monk does not take damage from 'normal' attacks, and is immune to disease, toxins. and poisons. The Monk does not suffer 'kill' results from normal damage, and cannot be stunned through normal means.
  • Animal Transformation: The Monk can transform himself into a variety of animals, specifically wolves, rats, and probably bats.
  • Enhanced Senses: The Monk's natural senses are more acute, granting him Ex (20) enhanced senses.

Misdirection: While not necessarily a power, it should be addressed that the Monk has concealed his vampiric nature from the world at large, including one of the world's greatest detectives. The Monk gains an additional re-roll if his nature is about to be revealed. The Monk has played his abilities as either being that of a studied magician or clever scientist.

Lairs: The Monk has several well-equipped lairs around Europe and can fall back to any of them as necessary. The Monk's lairs are usually guarded by 1-10 followers, guard animals, and usually include all manners of torture and deathtraps. The Monk is rarely surprised in his 'lair', although The Monk uses these lairs primarily as temporary headquarters.

Deathtraps: Perhaps one of the most interesting thing about The Monk is his use of elaborate (and normally lethal) deathtraps. With enough time, the Monk will use his resources and time in order to design something he feels is 'appropriate'.

The Monk has resources and probably a network, but only has one devoted (and trusted) follower - Dala. Dala will die for the Monk.


Vampiric Vulnerabilities: The Monk probably has the traditional vulnerabilities of all vampires, specifically sunlight and Silver. The Monk and any vampires he creates are also extremely vulnerable to silver, and can be permanently killed through a silver bullet (especially in the heart). The Monk also must rest in a coffin of his native soul during the day, and is effectively unable to act or take action while the sun is up.
Need for Secrecy: The Monk's need to maintain his secrecy is one of his greatest weaknesses. The Monk will kill anyone who learns the truth of his nature, and will go to great lengths to preserve it.
Enemy: Batman: The Monk has made a powerful enemy in the Dark Knight Detective.

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