Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Zombies from 'State of Decay'

Zombies from 'State of Decay'

Typical Zombie








F: Gd (10)
A: Pr (04)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: Fe (02)
I: Gd (10)
P: Fe (02)

Health: 30
Karma: 14
Popularity: (In the SoD world) -50 (as a group, everyone hates them grinning smiley)
Resources: N/A




  • Undead State: SoD Zombies are similar to all other zombies, in that they are undead, incapable of being stunned, kill results (Except decapitation), toxins, poisons, or related attacks that can affect a normal, living human. SoD Zombies do not spread their contagion by bite, however, and they are not as slow or as limited as their counterparts in other zombie fictions.
  • Heightened Hearing: A SoD zombie has Gd (10) enhanced hearing, capable of hearing loud noises blocks away and determine the type as well as the direction. While the other senses are limited, SoD zombies are very perceptive of movement and sound, which can be used against them.
  • Horde: SoD Zombies can easily form larger packs or hordes, which consist of between 6 to 10 different groups. While the hordes can be dealt with and/or evaded, the hordes bolster the zombie's presence in an area, which in turn creates areas of 'infection'. 'Infected' are usually buildings or surrounding zones in which zombies have overrun the area and/or have at least 'screamer' zombie. The effect of an infection area is unique: It lowers the survivor psyche by -1cs until dealt with. The more hordes that appear, the greater effect and more infection zones.
  • Bursts of speed: Unlike shamblers of past zombie films, the SoD Zombies can run when agitated towards a target. The SoD Zombies can move 2 areas per round for a maximum of 4 areas before losing steam.

How to become a zombie?
Unlike regular zombie fiction, a simple bite won't turn a person, nor will catastrophic damage. Instead, the zombie animation process begins with the symptoms called 'The Black Fever'. The Black Fever's origin and source is unknown, but once an individual begins to show signs, they have between 1 - 3 days before they die. Within 1 - 5 combat rounds, the individual reanimates as a zombie, with the possibility of further enhancement occurring within 1 - 4 days. The contraction of the Black Fever seems random, as it affects different individuals of different backgrounds and abilities while ignoring ill or already bitten individuals.

Special Zombies

Either due to further 'deadvolution' or twists of fate, there are zombies that are 'different', and as such, present a greater threat. Let's meet some:

The Screamer

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (04)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Fe (02)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 18
Karma: 26

The Screamer possesses the following powers:
  • Standard SoD Zombie Attributes
  • 'Leadership': Hordes attract Screamers, either because the Screamer is already "chewed up'" or that they drive hordes. At rate, the Screamer is usually at the center of all infections and major areas of zombie activity. The Screamer is usually behind a wall of zombies, and usually heavily protected from some reason
  • The Scream: The real danger of the Scream is its piercing scream - A Rm (30) intensity stunning attack which can render most individuals prone for 1 - 2 rounds. The scream also has the added benefit of attracting all zombies within 1 - 3 areas, and granting them speed bonuses as if they are agitated. The Screamer can scream every two rounds, and if there are two, they can chain their screams accordingly.

Outside of the obvious reduction in attributes, the Screamer also no arms, and cannot manipulate any object or obstruction.

The Feral

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Fe (02)
I: Rm (30)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 80
Karma: 36

Talents: None

The Feral is truly a monster, with the speed and ability to make it more than a match for the even seasoned survivor. The Feral is fast, relentless, and highly destructive in hand to hand combatant, and has the following abilities:
  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Tracking: Gd (10) ability to track opponents
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: The Feral has Gd (10) claws which halve effective body armor and can rend easily into human flesh
  • Feral Attack: The Feral is capable of bounding into an opponent, performing a one area charging attack requiring and immediate stun/slam check versus Ex (20) intensity. The Feral can perform an agility to land on top of the stunned opponent.

  • Solo Hunter: while the Feral can be encountered in groups of zombies, the Feral tends to be by itself, and incredibly rarely with other Feral.
  • Always Attacking: The Feral cannot stop itself from engaging a human, even if the odds are against it or it is wounded. The Feral immediately attacks, and cannot stop itself nor make any check to break away.

The Bloater (Also called The Rotter)

F: Pr (04)
A: Pr (04)
S: Fe (02)
E: Pr (04)
R: Fe (02)
I: Ex (20)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 14
Karma: 26

Talents: None

The danger of the bloater is that despite its slowness and obvious weakness, it remains one of the most dangerous and difficult zombies encountered. The Bloater has the following abilities:
  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Gas Bag: The Bloater's main ability is to close the distance between survivors and itself and then literally explode, releasing a Rm (30) intensity toxin which immediately works to weaken the survivor's FASE abilities for 1 - 10 rounds. The Bloater explodes with an area effect, creating a gas toxin that lingers for 1 - 6 rounds. Survivors caught in the explosion must make immediate Endurance FEATS or begin losing FASE (Which is easily recovered after the effects have worn off). Unfortunately, the survivor also loses Health scores related to the drop in FASE, and when surrounded by other zombies, it makes the Bloater incredibly dangerous. Even if the Bloater is picked off by a careful shot or trap, the toxic clouds are spawned for the appropriate time. On rare occasions, a Bloater can be successfully dispatched without exploding. This causes a chain reaction as the Bloater begins to swell until it explodes, which also releases the toxic cloud.

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the Bloater has an obvious appearance
  • Self-Destructive: A bloater exists only to detonate itself, and as such, is extremely self-destructive.

The Big-Un (Juggernaut)

If the Feral is the most dangerous zombie for a single survivor to face, then the Big-Un is the zombie groups of survivor fear. The Big-Un is unstoppable, and is nicknamed 'The Juggernaut' for a reason....nothing slows it down, and few things stagger or stop it. To fight a Juggernaut one on one is suicide: They are the most phyiscally dangerous of the zombies, but they have major limitations to that strength and stamina.

F: Pr (04)
A: Pr (04)
S: Rm (30)
E: In (40)
R: Fe (02)
I: Pr (04)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 78
Karma: 10

Talents: None


  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Body Resistance: The Big-Un is extremely tough, capable of surviving a head-on collision with a extended cab truck driving at 100+ miles an hour with a build-up of more than 300 feet, with only being staggered, slightly. The Big-Un is considered to have Rm (30) body resistance, as it is the most physically powerful zombie on the block. The Big-Un has a greater vulnerability to area affects however, granting it only Gd (10) protection against physical.
  • Charge: unlike the Feral who deftly attacks to overwhelm, the Big-Un is a charge, capable of overturning vehicles and sending opponents flying. The Big-Un can charge up to two areas without slowing down, granting it +2cs to damage.
  • The Grab: The Big-Un can grab an opponent and will use what karma it has to perform a kill-result upon them, by literally pulling them apart. It's gruesome to see, and can be countered if other survivors can make successful bullseye attacks (Or resist the Big-Un's strength).

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the Big-Un has an obvious appearance, a massive figure who can be spotted easily.
  • Outdoors Only: The Big-Un is so large it cannot navigate into buildings, and is only encountered in open areas. The Big-Un cannot navigate around objects, and suffers a -1cs to its agility to do so.

The SWAT/Army Zombie
The remnants of the area's SWAT teams (and later Army base), the SWAT/Army zombies are special zombies which have protective armor on as they turned, specifically Kevlar helmets and heavy impact armor. Although slightly different in appearance, the larger SWAT zombie is much more difficult to bring down than the slightly more agile Army zombie. Like the Screamer, these zombies are usually encountered amid groups, including large numbers of each other.

F: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)/Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)/Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Fe (02)
I: Gd (10)
P: Pr (04)

Health: 50/66
Karma: 20

Talents: None


  • Standard Zombie Attributes
  • Body Armor: Both the Army and SWAT zombies are clad in heavy Kevlar, including helmets, which make head-shots almost impossible. The body armor is of Ex (20) intensity. Both zombies are relatively physically powerful than the standard zombie, and as such, are not easily slammed by effects (Requiring Ex (20) or greater).

  • Obvious Appearance: As with all the special zombies, the SWAT and Army zombies are pretty easy to spot, even at a distance.
  • Slow moving: The SWAT and Army zombies do not have the same movement attributes as the standards, possibly due to some hampering of action from the body armor.

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