Thursday, October 6, 2016

Christine from 'Christine'


Type: Road Cost: Ex (20)/Typ(06) (See Below) Control: Gd (10) Speed: Gd (10) Body: Gd (10) (see below) Protection: Gd (10)

R: Gd (10) I: Ex (20) P: Rm (30)

Karma: 60
Popularity: 0
Resources: N/A

Christine has no talents.

Spirit Possessed Car: Christine is a car possessed with a spirit, which makes it unique to say the least. Christine does not operate without an owner, nor does Christine actually speak or communicate with the outside world (See below). For the majority of 'her' abilities, she operates as a 1958 Plymouth Fury, albeit when restored a top-of-the-line Fury. Christine's uniqueness grants the following abilities:

  • Spiritual Connection/Possession: Christine was 'born bad', and as such, requires an owner in order to operate. The owner is always drawn to Christine, making a Psyche FEAT at -2CS when first encountering 'her'. The owner then becomes enthralled with Christine, purchasing her and restoring 'her', becoming the only thing that matters. During the restoration, the owner's mannerisms, personality, and disposition begin to mimic Christine's first 'real' owner, Roland D. LeBay. As the owner becomes more involved, Christine gains additional abilities. The bond between the Owner and Christine requires an In (40) Psyche FEAT to break once the final repairs are made. At that point, the Owner and Christine are inseparable, and the Owner will loudly disagree/disown/shun anyone who talks negatively about the car.
  • Self-Repair: Once Christine is repaired by the Owner (and even during), Christine 'regenerates' with Ex (20) ability, even showing the ability to regenerate from great damage or being crushed into a cube. The rate of regeneration is determined by the amount of damage Christine has sustained and the presence of the owner. Although not expressly stated, Christine seems to recover faster from damage when engaged in carnage/revenge/killing.
  • Micro-Environment: When an individual is inside Christine, they must make an opposed Psyche FEAT at Yellow Intensity. Failure to do so places one in an altered state of being, at the mercy of Christine. Christine has shown the ability to cause seizures, cause choking fits, create images based on the past, and general affect those inside of car.
  • Conduit: It could be argued that Christine is actually a spirit or gateway to the spirit world, channeling the spirit of Roland D. LeBay. Christine certainly seems to be linked to LeBay's spirit, allowing the spirit to manifest at points during the book. For the purposes of this write-up, I'm going with the idea that Christine actually is manifesting images of 'her' primary owner, which suggests Christine has some level of either Spirit Summoning or Hallucinations at Gd (10) and limited to the Owner's spirit (The previous owner not the current owner).

Christine's only real contact is 'her' owner.

Christine has several key limitations based on 'her' state:
  • Dormant: Christine is dormant without an active Owner. As such, Christine will rust and begin to fall apart unless actively used by 'her' Owner. Christine only operated with an active Owner.
  • Vehicular Status: Christine is physically a car, and such is limited through actions and abilities to the basic construction. As such, Christine can be destroyed (although with the regeneration aspects, it does suggest Christine could regenerate).
  • Communication Limitation: While the Owner seems to understand Christine, no one else can outside of 'bad feelings' and the like.
  • Rock and Roll Forever: Christine's radio only picks up rock and roll stations or music from the late 1950s to the early 1960s.

I feel that the micro-environment is the easiest way to explain aspects of Christine's abilities, but it's debatable. I also took liberties in some conceptual aspects: I believed that Christine was more of a spirit than LeBay's spirit, and I felt that LeBay's spirit appearing in the book was merely Christine's 'summoning' of him.

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