Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Rhoda Penmark from 'The Bad Seed"

I don't know what you're talking about. I don't feel ANY way at all”

Rhoda Penmark

F: Pr (04)
A: Pr (04)
S: Fe (02)
E: Typ (06)
R: Gd (10)
I: Gd (10)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 16
Karma: 26
Resources: Fe (02) (personally), Gd (10) (her parents are fairly well off)
Popularity: 0

Rhoda has the Student* talent.

Innocent Facade
Rhoda has no powers per say, but is capable of cold-blooded murder, lying, and maintaining her innocence even under the most difficult situations. Although not infallible, Rhoda has learned to use her age and innocence to her advantage, allowing her to substitute an Intuition FEAT to either observe the best way to avoid a situation or to bold-faced lie. Rhoda has convinced many of the adults who know her that she is completely and blissfully unaware of the truth of the murders she has committed, and only through careful observation and study are her lies found out. Rhoda is completely charming but feels no emotional connection to her activities and actions.

Rhoda is well-liked, and would normally have her parents as contacts. As her mother Christine begins to suspect the truth, Rhoda can rely on her less and less. Rhoda has no real contacts outside of her parents and immediate neighbors.

Rhoda has many limitations due to her nature, her age, and her inexperience. These limitations include:

  • Age: Despite her intelligence and nature, Rhoda is only eight years old.
  • Sociopath: Rhoda is a sociopath of the first order, manipulating those around her with no real feelings of her own. The only time Rhoda really reacts is in desiring something, in which Rhoda will murder and lie with ease to achieve her ends.
  • True Nature: Rhoda’s true nature is discernible to those who can spot it, and as such Rhoda has a -1cs to affect or sway individuals into believing her lies.

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