Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Matthew Star from 'The Powers of Matthew Star'

Quadris, a planet of the (Tau Ceti) system, twelve light years across the galaxy from Earth. It was home for us until an intergalactic armada conquered it. I fought by the royal family's side, but in vain. Even their remarkable powers weren't enough. The crown prince and I escaped to the nearest planet on which we could survive and further his powers in order to some day return to free his people.

Here on Earth, the prince is known as Matthew Star. He's a typical American teenager. He has friends; people who love him. And me, his guardian. I'm the only one who knows how special he is. Life for us is a series of joys and dangers. Enemy assassins constantly come to destroy us. Alone, we must survive.

Matthew Star/E'Hawke

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)

Health: 56
Karma: 80
Popularity: (as Matthew Star on Earth) 0, (As Prince E'Hawke in outer space) +20
Resources: Gd (10)/Unknown (As a crown prince of a moderate space empire)

Knowledge: Quadrasian Culture
Knowledge: Quadrasian History
Psionic Combat*
Heir To Fortune: Nobility*

Omnipath Matthew Star is an Omnipath, whose powers will grow as he gets older. As of the series, Star has developed various abilities with the potential to become the greatest Omnipath his people have ever seen. For the purposes of this write-up,Star's omnipathic powers are restricted to what he has manifested during the entire first season and parts of the second. Star has demonstrated the following powers:
  • Telepathy: Ex (20)
  • Telekinesis: Ex (20)
  • Precognition*: Ex (20)
  • ESP: Ex (20)
  • Clairvoyance: Rm (30)

Star's powers are formidable but undisciplined, and is shown to be far more expansive in the second season (including some levels of matter transformation). As Star grows in age and discipline, his powers also grown in scope and power. Early on however, Star's abilities while outwardly impressive require an effective control FEAT to use (Except his Precognitive and Clairvoyant powers).

Star's only real contact initially is his mentor/teacher D'Hai/Walter Shepherd. Although technically Star has countless contacts within his home world, he is technically unable to use them until he is able to return home and free them.

Matthew has several key limitations both due to his unique physiology and status:

  • Hunted: Matthew Star is actively hunted by the agents of the enemy occupying force from his home world, and has been the target of multiple attempts to either capture or kill him.
  • Enemy: Alien Overlords: The Armada that has taken his over his home world are considered 'arch-enemies' of Matthew.
  • Secret: Alien: It is not publicly known that Matthew Star is alien. Even his girlfriend Pam was unaware of his dual nature.
  • Inexperienced: Early on, Matthew has only limited experience with controlling his powers.
  • Watched: The US Government is currently Watching Matthew Star and is aware of his dual nature.
  • Elemental Allergy: Most Quadrasian have severe allergies in reaction to Earth's environment (similar in scope to the Inhuman elemental allergies). While Matthew seems not to be effected, all other members of his race/species have shown nearly deadly reactions to various Environmental issues.


  1. Love the write-up! How exactly would you define the 'ESP' power? Are you going to do Misfits and Automan?

    1. Sorry the delay in a response. I had hoped to revisit the 1980s and will probably include the Misfits, Automan, and several others as well!
