Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Yankee Clipper from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'

Yankee Clipper

Patrick Carney

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)/In (40)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Karma: 50
Popularity: 10/25 (In own time)
Resources: Gd (10)

Knowledge: Hero/Villain: Marvel Golden Age
Martial Arts: A

Belt: All of Yankee Clipper's powers derive from a belt designed to allow someone to time travel. In Casey's hands, it grants him superhuman strength (+2cs), as well as the following powers:
- Force Field: In (40) resistance, with a 1 area range
- Time Travel: This power is not active usually, but can move the wearer forward and backwards through time with Rm (30) ability. Patrick doesn't know how to use this power, and wasn't aware of it until encountering the exact duplicate of the belt.

Mr. Justice (Deceased)
the First Line - Group (Deceased)
Pixie of the Eternals

Unpredictable Powers: The Yankee Clipper's time travel powers are unpredictable when first encountered, and as such, the Clipper jumped several times before deciding to retire.

Man out of time: Much like Captain America, the Clipper's hero, Yankee Clipper is a man from the 1950s, with occasional issues adjusting to the new eras he's found himself in.

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