Saturday, September 29, 2018

Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from 'The X-Files'

’Trust No One‘

Fox Mulder

Fox William Mulder

F: Typ (06)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Ex (20)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 42
Karma: 80
Popularity: 0/-2/5/-5/0 (Initially to the public, inside the FBI, Generally after the exposure for high-profile cases, as a wanted fugitive, after the 2nd movie)
Resources: Gd (10)

Fox Mulder is incredibly intelligent, displaying the following skills:

  • Law Enforcement*
  • Firearms
  • Detective/Espionage
  • Knowledge: Government Conspiracies
  • Knowledge: Paranormal
  • Knowledge: Weird Facts
  • Knowledge: Historical Figures
  • Anthropology
  • Knowledge: Alien Abductions
  • Knowledge: Cryptozoology
  • Psychology
  • Forensics
  • Parapsychology
  • Knowledge: Baseball
  • Knowledge: Classic Movies and TV shows
  • Scholar

Mulder is a normal human (as close as one can get in the series), but has displayed the following power-like effects:
  • Photographic Recall: Mulder possesses a near-perfect memory with perfect recall, cited often as per the series. Mulder can recall specific details regarding the X-files or anything he has seen or read with a simple Reason FEAT.
  • I want To Believe: Mulder is a true believer, allowing the desire to know the truth carry him through difficult encounters and near-death experiences. In situations where Mulder is faced with a result vs. death or life-threatening situations during a case , Mulder can substitute his Psyche for his Fighting, Agility, or Endurance. This can only be done once per event.
  • Partners: Mulder can spend his own Karma on Scully's behalf in most situations as necessary.

Mulder has several contacts during the course of the series run: The mysterious Deep Throat and later the mysterious X, the conspiracy group The Lone Gunmen, various law enforcement agents, conspiracy groups, Frank Black, Director Walter Skinner, and of course, Dana Scully.

Fox has the following limitations:
  • Devoted to the Truth: Mulder will pursue the truth even if it kills him, which it almost has on numerous occasions.
  • Powerful Enemies: Mulder has powerful enemies within the Alien Conspiracy.
  • Finding out the truth about Samantha: Fox is obsessed in finding out what happened to his sister Samantha, to the point he suffers a -1CS to Psyche when confronted with the possibility of knowing.
  • Devoted to Scully: Mulder would do practically anything for his partner Scully, especially later on.
  • Escaped Criminal: For a time, Fox Mulder was considered a wanted criminal who had escaped from prison's death row.
  • Spooky: Mulder is known to the law-enforcement community as a spooky guys - a nick-name that was given to him at Oxford and during his first days of the FBI.
  • Enemy: Cigarette-Smoking Man: His main nemesis and adversary.

Dana Scully

Dana Katherine Scully

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 46
Karma: 70
Popularity: 0/-2 (Normally/within the FBI after being assigned to the X-Files)

Dana Scully is a very intelligent agent with the following skills:

  • Law Enforcement*
  • Firearms
  • Physics
  • Medicine*
  • Molecular Biology
  • Knowledge: Literature
  • Instructor*
  • Psychology
  • Forensics
  • markswoman*
  • Detective/Espionage
  • Scholar

Scully is fairly normal, although several theories exist regarding her eventual life-span due to the chip implanted in her neck (During 2nd/3rd season):
  • Longevity/Immortal: Due to the actions of both by the Cigarette-Smoking Man and Alfred Fellig, Scully may have inadvertently gained a type of immortality or prolonged life. Although this was not confirmed, it is worth bringing up as others in the series have (including Clyde Bruckman who was able to see how a person dies and later members of the conspiracy). It's a theory, but it does have a great deal of suggestive evidence.
  • A skeptical Voice: Early on, Scully was the skeptic to Mulder's believer, often trying to find logical solutions to the cases in which they worked. When presented with a case that has some evidence in the scientific, Scully gains a +1cs to reason and intuition checks in order to provide logical solutions to issues. Later, Scully adopts more of a believer's mentality, but remains able to draw upon her skeptical voice during later events.
  • Partners: Scully can spend his own Karma on Mulder's behalf in most situations as necessary from about the end of season 1 onward.

Scully has a wealth of contacts in her professional careers as a doctor and physicist, including former associates and co-workers. Scully is close to Walter Skinner, her former boss at the FBI and later John Doggett, her partner while Mulder had disappeared.

Dana has the following limitations:
  • A skeptic's voice: It takes Dana some time to believe things that she has experienced and seen. Although Dana is no fool, she will try to rationalize some elements or find logical solutions.
  • Powerful Enemies: Scully has powerful enemies within the Alien Conspiracy.
  • Protecting Fox and William, her son: Dana seeks to protect Fox and their son William at any cost (Including leaving her son somewhere she or the conspiracy will ever find him. Dana is at a -1CS when attempting to act in situations where Fox or William are directly at risk.
  • Devoted to Mulder: Mulder would do practically anything for his partner Mulder especially later on..

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