Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lawrence Talbot, the Wolf-man (2010 movie version)

”I am what they say I am... I'm a monster. “

Lawrence Talbot

F: Gd(10)/Rm (30)
A: Gd (10)/Rm (30)
S: Typ (06)/Rm (30)
E: Gd (10)/In (40)
R: Typ (06)/Pr (04)
I: Gd (10)/Am (50)
P: Ex (20)/Typ (06)

Health: 130
Karma: 60
Resources: Gd (10) (Personal)
Popularity: 10/-10 (As a stage actor of the day, and as later the ‘werewolf murderer’)

Lawrence has the following talents:
Performer: Stage Actor
Knowledge: Victorian Society
Knowledge: American Society circa 1890
Knowledge: Current Events in London
Sharp Weapons


Curse of the Wolfman
After being bit by the werewolf in the moors, Lawrence suffers the curse of the werewolf, transforming every full moon into a man-beast who rampages throughout the countryside and for the most part does not care who gets in his way. The curse provides Lawrence with certain abilities, which include:

  • Predatory Senses: Lawrence has superhuman senses when transformed, granting him Rm (30) heightened senses that allow him to track with Ex (20) ability. In addition, the wolfman can sense body heat, hear faint sounds such as heartbeats, and see in total darkness with Ex (20) ability.
  • Immunity: While the Wolfman, Talbot cannot be hurt by normal weapons shrugging them off as if they were inconveniences. The Wolfman took an entire volley of normal gunfire without stopping by trained officers. Silver is the only thing which can kill the Wolfman, otherwise, the Wolfman is for the most part invulnerable to standard damage. Special damage and mystical damage would be assumed to do full rank against the Wolfman, and he can still be slammed and stunned through normal means (although he can recover from a stun in a single round).
  • Hyper Running: The Wolfman can move with Ex (20) speed, capable of pushing that speed up to Rm (30) with an Endurance FEAT by running on all fours. The Wolfman can cover extraordinary amounts of distance in a short time.
  • Hyper Leaping: The Wolfman can bound and jump with Ex (20) ability, covering distance upwards and gaining altitude quickly with a series of Agility FEATs by jumping object to object. The Wolfman cleared 20’ in a single bound without effort during the London rampage.
  • Natural Weaponry: claws: The Wolfman’s claws do Rm (30) slashing damage, halving armor and acting as a mystical slashing attack. The Wolfman can damage other lycanthropes at rank damage, bypassing their normal defenses.
  • Natural Weaponry: Bite: The Wolfman can bite and rend with its teeth for damage, up to In (40). The Wolfman prefers to rend, and those bit by the wolfman can lessen the damage with an Agility FEAT. Those bit by the Wolfman are usually infected with lycanthropy. A victim must suffer 50% of their health damage from such an series of attacks in a single round. If the victim does so, the victim must make an In (40) Endurance FEAT and an Rm (30) intensity Psyche FEAT or become lycanthropes themselves.
  • Stealth: The Wolfman is extraordinarily stealthy when hunting, granting him Gd (10) stealth.
  • Enhanced Healing: The Wolfman can heal from deadly wounds quickly, the only part of the curse which carries over to Lawrence Talbot while in human form. Wounds heal with Gd (10) regeneration, and endurance ranks are regained at 4X the normal rate.

Prior to the events in the moors, Lawrence was well-known on the stage. After such, The only real contact Lawrence had was with Gwen Conliffe, the former fiancé of his brother Ben.

  • Curse of the Werewolf:Lawrence is cursed with lycanthrope and cannot control himself on the nights of the full moon. The only known cure for the curse is to be killed by a silver bullet, which ends the suffering of the curses victim. During the three nights of the full moon Lawrence has no control over what he does or how he acts, although it is suggested that those who have hurt Lawrence may bear a greater brunt of the beast’s rage, and those that Lawrence cares for can be spared it. Due to the nature of the curse and the heavy weight of it, Talbot cannot earn karma while under the effect of the curse.
  • Enemy: For the most part, Lawrence was not aware that his greatest enemy was the werewolf who infected him – His father John Talbot. John Talbot murdered Lawrence’s mother and brother, and framed Lawrence for the murders in the area. As John Talbot is well-connected and his father, Lawrence has major issues in dealing with his enemy.
  • Vulnerability: Talbot, like most werewolves, is vulnerable to silver and the attacks of other Lycanthropes. In the case of silver, Talbot has a fatal vulnerability. If struck by silver or shot by silver bullets Talbot must immediately make an Endurance FEAT at -6cs and make a Red Result. If Talbot fails he immediately begins the dying process, losing an Endurance rank every round until dead. Talbot immediately reverts to human upon being mortally wounded.

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