Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Job Kraus from 'Still Life with Crows'

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Ex (20)
E: In (40)
R: Pr (04)*
I: Ex (20)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 100
Karma: 36
Resources: Fe (02)
Popularity: -10* (See Limitations)

Job Krauss has the following skills:
Knowledge: Medicine Creek area
Knowledge: Spelunker
Knowledge: Children’s Nursery Rhymes
Rabid Brawling
Artistic Expression*
Improvised Weaponry
Tracking and Shadowing


  • Physical Juggernaut: Job Kraus is a hulking figure, misshapen due to a childhood accident and forced to live underground in the Kraus family caves all of his life. As stated in the novel, Job is strong enough to pulverize rocks in his hands, break limbs with ease, and shear limbs free of attachment. In addition, Job’s endurance is considered a superhuman thing: Surviving a crippling accident in his youth, recovering to master his environment and surviving unseen for over fifty years, surviving various falls, gunshot wounds, and lacerations without slowing significantly down, and recovering from near fatal attacks in shorter times. While Job is not superhuman in the powered sense, his Endurance and tolerance to pain is considered extremely upper reaches of human. As such, Job can make Endurance FEATs to remain conscious when a stun or slam effect has been made once per encounter. Job ignores reduction effects to his FASE based on damage with a successful Endurance FEAT.
  • Artistic Savant: Job has had little formal education past his very earliest childhood, seemingly child-like and slow but possessing a keen intellect and ability to absorb information and create in bizarre means. By growing up in near total isolation and under the conditions of secrecy, Job has none the less trained himself artistically, unaware what he was doing was wrong. Job attempted to actually create physical versions of the nursery rhymes which were his favorite, for instance baking a man and filling him with snakes, snails and puppy dog tails (as per the rhyme). Job’s ability to gain knowledge is astounding, allowing him to repeat artistic creations with Gd (10) ability. It is debatable that Job’s intellect and reason are actually Pr (04), as it is to be assumed that he may have greater ability but lack of any education or social environments has stunted his faculties.
  • Sneak Attack: Job’s knowledge of his home area, especially the Kraus Caverns is second to none. Kraus’s lifetime of knowledge more than allows him to attack from concealment while in those locations. Job was able to successfully eliminate two teams of state police in combat armor, as well as severely damage several others. Job successfully also got the drop on Agent Pendergast, a special agent of the FBI with years of special forces training and an incredible sense of awareness. Targets must make an intuition FEAT against Ex (20) intensity or be caught by surprise. In the Kraus caverns, Job can use his talent and knowledge to increase the difficulty to Rm (30). Sense like Danger Sense, Tracking, or such are not affected by this ability.
  • Ideally adapted: Job Kraus has spent a lifetime in the darkness, and as such can see in very little light (actively avoiding it). As such, Job is not hindered in movement or vision in normal darkness.
Job has only one contact, his mother.


  • Hideous and Odorous Job is hideous in body and presence, granting him a -1cs to all reaction bonuses and social interactions. In addition, Job’s odor is one of the first things that alert someone to his presence, granting individuals an free Intuition FEAT to detect Job within an area.
  • Limited Understanding Job has very little understanding of people, the outside world, or anything short of his underground world. Job’s limited social interaction comes from his mother, and Job speaks in a combination of guttural noises and sing-song sort of child-like speech. Job’s inability to understand such things such as the outside world and/or people leads him to believing he is either playing a game or becoming enraged, reducing his ability to control himself or his actions. Job must make a Psyche FEAT when encountering someone or something, and then must also make a Psyche FEAT when provoked or if those people do not understand his reactions. Job’s inability to comprehend his own strength also means that he will react at full force physically. 

There are pictures of Job that have been done, but the description places him as a hulking figure with a baby-like face (always grinning) and wisps of white hair. 

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