Saturday, September 15, 2018

Shriek from 'Batman Beyond'

Walter Shreeve

F: TyP (6)/ Ex (20)
A: Typ (6)/ Ex (20)
S: Typ (6)/ Rm (30)
E: Gd (10)/In (40)
R: Rm (30)
I: Pr (4)/Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 28/110
Karma: 54/80
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: -15

Acoustics and Auditory sciences
Battlesuit Design

Shriek’s Battlesuit:
Shriek employs a state of the art battlesuit which amplifies/controls ambient sound, allowing him to perform a variety of abilities and stunts. Shriek’s systems allows him to control sound from the ultrasonic to audible white noise over a massive scale. Shriek’s suit allows the following properties:

  • Body armor: Shriek’s suit is comprised of a dense material providing Rm (30) protection from Physical and Energy attacks, although there are key locations that provide only Ex (20) protection from physical attacks. Due to the unique properties of the metals used in the construction, the suit is considered to be resistant to sonics up to Mn (75) intensity.
  • Sonic Control: Shriek possesses Mn (75) sonic control while in his suit, capable of the following power stunts:
    • Generate sonic pulses and kinetic attacks of Am (50) intensity
    • Manipulate ambient sounds to create vertigo fields of In (40) intensity
    • Partial animal control: Through manipulating the ultrasonic frequencies, Shriek can pacify or enrage animals with heightened senses of hearings (IE dogs, cats, etc). Shriek can incite such with Am (50) intensity
    • Sonic force field: Shriek can generate ‘hard sound’ force fields of In (40) intensity
    • Whiteout: Shriek can negate or distort certain sound frequencies, such as human speech, SONAR, or other sound dependent systems with Rm (30) intensity.
    • Increase Range: Shriek can manipulate standard sound-waves to increase his range to a city-wide level. Shriek cannot increase the range of his hard sound or sonic pulses, but can manipulate the other abilities.
    • Absorb Sound: Shriek can absorb and store ‘sound energy’ with Am (50) intensity, allowing him to absorb such attacks and increase his power stunts by one rank. The side-effect is that Shriek must make both a power FEAT and an Endurance FEAT to do so.
    • Carrier Wave: Shriek can create a means to ride Hard Sound waves, allowing him to also affect an area with a RM (30) ability.
    • Remote Sensing: Shriek can ‘listen’ in to any verbal or sound transmitted communication with Rm (30) ability
    • Vibration: Through concentrating his sonic manipulation, Shriek can cause vibration damage with In (40) intensity.
  • Communicate w/ cybernetics : Shriek can interface with standard computers with Ex (20) ability, using carrier signals.
  • Protected Senses: After his accident, Shriek utilizes a device which grants him standard hearing, but also protects his hearing with Rm (30) ability

Shriek has no contacts.


  • Deaf: Without a special set of earphones, Shriek is deaf due to his first encounter with the new Batman
  • Obsessive: Shriek is obsessed with the New Batman since his first encounter.
  • Criminal Record: The authorities of New Gotham are aware that Walter Shreever is Shriek.

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