Saturday, September 15, 2018

Officer Smax from 'Top Ten'

Jaafs Macksun AKA Jeff Smax

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Am (50)
E: Am (50)
R: Ty (06)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 150
Karma: 66
Popularity: 15
Resources: Typ (06).

Mystical True Invunerability*:
Smax possesses a degree of invunerability to most everything at In (40) ability. Jeff is the muscle for Precinct 10. In addition to the normal benefits of the T.I., Smax is also seemingly invunerable to mystical effects and attacks at the same level.

Mystical Energy Emmission:
Smax can emit up to an AM (50) burst of nystical energy, and can maintain the burst with a successful Endurance FEAT. The handprint, the only sign of his previous life as a dragonslayer, was caused due to the failure of saving a small girl from a dragon. The origin of this power is unknown, as it is shared by his sister Rexa.

Weapons: Sharp Weapons
Weapons: Guns
Professional: Law Enforcement*
Professional: Dragon Slaying
Area Knowledge: Neopolis
Trivia: Precinct 10 Procedure

Precinct 10 Radio Ring: Provides Ex (20) communications to the Precinct

Precinct 10
Robyn "toybox" slinger
Rexa Macksun

  • Unusual Looks:Despite being from a city populated entirely by superbeings, Smax stands out. At 7'5'', Jeff is Cobalt blue with White hair and a small white handprint on his chest.
  • Overconfident: Smax believes himself to be more than match for anything, and that has in the past come back to haunt him. Jeff suffers a penalty depending on the situation to his actions for being overconfident.
  • Anti-Social: Smax is fairly anti-social, pushing people away left and right. If a person becomes a friend, Smax will stop at nothing for them, such as in the case of his partner and his sister.

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