Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Frankenstein Monster from 'Penny Dreadful'

The monster is not in my face, But in my soul. 

The tragic creature from Penny Dreadful is murderous, dangerous, and pitiable – Although first shown as much a monster as his reputation has preceded him, he is in fact one of the more compassionate and moral figures within the show, often lamenting his condition and trying to find and justify kindness in the human soul. The Penny Dreadful creature is however is not however a victim of his circumstance – with cruel and efficient violence he stalks both his creator, his bride, and the others who have harmed him. Staying true to the literary form of Frankenstein, the monster is shown to be highly intelligent and articulate, which makes him very tragic and probably one of the most…human in the Penny Dreadful demimonde.

The Frankenstein Monster

The Creature, John Clare, Caliban

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Rm (30)
E: Mn (75)
R: Ex (20)
I:  Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 145
Karma: 80
Resources: Pr (04)
Popularity: 0/-5

Knowledge: Classical knowledge
Knowledge: Science of the period
Knowledge: Literature
Knowledge: London Area
Stalking and Hunting

Reanimated Composite
The Creature is a surgical composite, brought to life and animated through electricity and the skill of Victor Frankenstein. As such, the Creature has several abilities due to his unique state:
  • Endless Reserves: The Creature has an almost limitless reserve of Endurance for physical actions and can actually resist stuns with a successful Endurance FEAT. The Creature can still be slammed and Grand-slammed.
  • Immunity: The Creature is considered Immune to the following effects: Aging, Toxins, and Disease. The Creature will not die unless severe traumatic damage is done to its head, and even then, it is unknown if he could be killed through such means. The Creature is also incredibly resistant to normal temperatures and is not bothered by up to -50 degrees. The Creature is also capable of holding his breath for extraordinary periods of time.
  • Limited Body Armor: The Creature can be harmed but as such, ignores attacks under Typ (06) as being simple annoyances. In many cases the Creature simply ignores damage, but it has been shown that he can be hurt. In addition, the Creature seems to ignore pain with Ex (20) ability, simply shrugging it off as if he possessed a variation of Iron Will (without the health benefits).
  • Recovery: The Creature regains lost Endurance ranks with Rm (30) ability.

Although the Creature has often made friends and associates, most of these associates are dead or no longer able to be called on. The one contact that the Creature has made that is somewhat reliable is his creator, Victor Frankenstein, who either the Creature terrifies and/or intimidates at various points.

Unnatural Presence: The Creature has an unnatural presence which unnerves many people combined with his scarred body and pale skin. Many people find themselves unable to be in the Creature’s presence without a reaction, especially if they are unaware of the shadowy world of the demimonde. The Creature is memorable and those who have seen him will not forget him, which has worked against the Creature in the past.

Emotionally Unstable: It is arguable that the Creature is emotionally unstable and prone to violent rages based around the psychological aspects of the Creature’s early ‘years’. As such, the Creature has problems expressing his rage and anger, and suffers a -1cs to reactions when provoked or angered in order to not overreact (Killing someone for instance to prove a point).

Tragic: The Creature is a tragic figure, as such he is prone to bad things happening and reduces all karma awards by 1/2, representing his tragic origins and existence.

Old Memories: The Creature is plagued by occasional memories of his old life, of which he learned of the fate of his wife and young son. These memories are a recent development and could have further impact in the future.

Hatred/Love for his ‘Father’ : The Creature loves/hates his ‘father’, Victor Frankenstein, at one point menacing him and the other asking for his forgiveness. As such, the Creature will protect Victor as well as seek him out.

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