Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Anthony Fremont from 'The Twilight Zone'

Anthony Fremont

F: Fe (2)
A: Pr (4)
S: Fe (2)
E: Typ (6)
R: Typ (6)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 12
Karma: 66
Popularity: (In Peaksville, OH) 100/-100 (But you'd better not let Anthony hear you)
Resources: (See Powers)


Reality Alteration*: Anthony Fremont has the ability to alter reality with a whim, posessing Cl1000 ability to do so. Anthony can permanently affect reality in a variety of ways and means, including:
  • Weather control, instantly changing seasons and/or environmental situations
  • item creation, including his favorite foods and/or his favorite items
  • changing individuals into new shapes such as removing aspects, massive transformations such as into beasts and/or jack-in-the-boxes.
  • sending a person away, 'Into the Cornfield', which is effectively destroying them.
  • Recreating individuals, objects, and/or environments at will

Telepathy: Anthony is a telepath, capable of reading surface thoughts without any issue with Rm (30) ability. Anthony cannot at this age probe deeper than surface thoughts (It simply doesn't occur to him to do so).

Environmental Awareness*: Not necessarily the power as it is normally described, Anthony is fully aware of the area he is in, allowing him to perceive subtle changes and interactions across a town-wide area. Anthony is rarely surprised by events, as her is usually fully aware of the world and microcosm around him.

Peaksville, Ohio: Anthony has separated his hometown from the rest of existence through his power, and can shape and change it as he see fits. within Peaksville, Anthony is fully aware of all transactions, and limits if not eliminates access to the 'outside' world. It is assumed that while in Peaksville, people age but do not die of natural causes (Usually eliminated by Anthony by being send to the cornfield.

Anthony has no real contacts, as everyone is secretly afraid of him. Anthony can usually call upon anyone within Peaksville to do as he sees fit.


Emotional Maturity: Anthony has the emotional range of a pre-teen, and cannot understand the scope of his actions. As such, Anthony reacts as a child would: badly to criticism and/or anger, seeking approval for his actions, and generally behaving as a bit of a brat. Some of the adults have found that they can manipulate Anthony to a limited degree by playing on these facts, but only so far.

Mortal Limitations: Despite the immense power that Anthony has, it is assumed that Anthony still is effectively a child, and suffers from the same limitations a child has.

"It's a good Life" was originally a short-story that was translated to an exceptional Twilight Zone Episode. There is a sequel that was made in 2002 for the UPN updated Twilight Zone series called 'It's still a good life', with an adult Anthony, and his daughter, who also possessed his powers.

"It's a real good thing you did Anthony....really good!"

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