Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Silver Shadow from 'The Futurians'

Silver Shadow

















Jonathan Darknyte

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 90
Karma: 80
Popularity: 0/10/20
Resources: Ex (20)/Mn (75) as part of Future Dynamics


  • Shadowing
  • Detective/Espionage
  • Martial Arts A, B, E
  • Firearms
  • Marksman*
  • Military
  • Multi-Lingual
  • Knowledge: Security Systems
  • Knowledge: Intelligence Agency Protocols
  • Knowledge: International Criminal Organizations
  • Knowledge: Various modern cultures
  • Acting

Silver Shadow benefits from centuries of genetic seeding by future humanity:
Future Dynamics Uplift:
Jonathan has been genetically uplifted by a combination of radiation/biochemistry/genetic manipulation which grants him superhuman powers. The Silver Shadow has displayed the following powers:
- Shadow form: Silver Shadow can convert his body into an intangible shadow form, which renders him immaterial and allows him to move through the narrowest of spaces. While in Shadow form, Silver Shadow is nearly immune to physical damage, although can be affected with light and energy based weaponry and forced into his physical form.
- Shadow Control: More than shadow Shaping, Silver Shadow can affect the shadows in an area he is in with Mn (75) ability, granting him complete control over the darkness in a region. Silver Shadow can animate the darkness, have it completely blind an area, and even move objects and/or affect the physical world at rank level.
- Teleport: Silver Shadow can teleport between shadows and take individuals with him at his power rank. Silver Shadow must have existing shadows capable of shifting dimensions, and actually is believed to be more akin to dimensional travel rather than the traditional line-of-sight teleportation.


  • The Futurians
  • Future Dynamics
  • Various Intelligence agencies around the world


  • VanderVecken Control: As part of the genetic manipulation over centuries, Silver Shadow and the rest of the Futurians (Except Avatar) are unable to resist the control of Vandervecken. As such, should the Silver Shadow come into conflict with Vandervecken, he will immediately be rendered 'forgetful' and will not remember the incident.
  • Need for Darkness The Silver Shadow needs darkness and shadow for his powers to work, and seems very uncomfortable outside of them. As such, light-based attacks do an additional +1cs damage, and can force a Psyche FEAT to force Jonathan back into a physical form. In addition, Jonathan cannot create shadows, but must use the darkness as it exists.

While Silver Shadow is perhaps one of the more 'straightforward' Futurians in powers, his level of control is perhaps the greatest and his ability to develop new stunts is pretty spiffy. I would actually rate him one of the more powerful figures in the Futurians, perhaps rivaling in his own way Sunswift if given time.

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