Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Colt from 'Supernatural'

The Colt














The Colt is a legendary weapon, who's bullets are said to be able to kill all but a handful of beings outright. As such, the Colt has been sought after for generations since its creation at the Battle of the Alamo in 1835.

Game Effects:

The Colt has a 2-area range maximum, and stores six bullets at one time, special ammunition that must be made for it by a specialist (Someone who has occult lore, guns, and repair/tinker). The Colt fires as a traditional pistol, requiring both the 'guns' skill as well as a successful 'to hit' effect.

If a victim is hit, they must Immediately make an RED Endurance FEAT versus Death, against their Psyche score without the benefit of Karma. The victim begins the dying process immediately, and cannot be stabilized in normal means.

Should the attacker roll a Red FEAT, the victim must immediately make a Psyche FEAT versus Am (50) intensity or immediately die. At the same time, the Attacker may not spend karma on any attack with the Colt, regardless of reason or situation.

The Colt cannot effect those individuals whose Psyche are above Am (50). As part of the construction of the Colt, it cannot be used by demonic beings, as it is considered heavily warded (It can be carried or traded, but must be used by servants).

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