Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Irina Gallier from 'Cat People' (1982)

F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (06)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 46
Karma: 36
Resources: Typ (06)
Popularity: 0

Mystic Origin* (although Irene is not aware of the history of her people initially, nor does she immediately possess any occult lore)

Were-Panther: Irene and her brother Paul are from a long-line of were-panthers, in which they are destined to transform into a panther when sexually active. As a were-panther, Irena has some benefits, which include:
  • Heightened Agility: Irena is able to deftly avoid danger as shown in the film by being able to scale a large tree with little effort.
  • Hyper-Climbing: Irena seems more than capable of climbing with Pr (04) ability in human form.
  • Heightened Senses: As slightly indicated in the movie, Irena's sense of smell is greater, granting her Gd (10) heightened senses. It is implied that Irena also can see in near darkness, and is often comforted by it.
  • Stealth: Again, as indicated in the movie, Irena is shown to be somewhat stealthy, granting her Pr (04) stealth.
  • Transformation: If sexually active with anyone except her brother, Irena will transform into a large female panther. Irena will remain a panther until she takes a human life, which she is very reluctant to do. As a panther, Irena maintains a majority of her intellect and awareness. Irena's stats as a panther are as follows:

    F: Ex (20) A: Ex (20) S: Gd (10) E: Ex (20): R: Pr (04) I: Rm (30) P: Typ (06)
    Health: 70
    Karma: 42
    Resources: Fe (2)
    Pop: 0

    Natural Weaponry: Claws Gd (10), Bite Ex (20)

Paul - Brother (while he was alive, although Irena will be very, very reluctant to contact him after she learns the truth)
Oliver Yates

  • Curse of the were-panther: Irena suffers the curse of her ancestors - She will transform into a panther, requiring a human death in order for her to become human. Sexual activity with anyone outside of her familial line will hasten the transformation, and only by breeding with a member of her family can she stop the transformation. As such, Irena has been ignorant of her true nature for most of her adult life, and as such, attempts to deny her legacy.
  • Reluctant to Kill: Even though it means her humanity and happiness with Oliver, Irena chooses to become a panther permanently rather than to kill another. Irena will not willingly hurt someone else, granting her a Psyche FEAT when provoked into situations where she might have to.
  • Loyalty: Irena is extraordinary loyal to Oliver, and recognizes him even as a panther. Irena's one concession to her nature is if Oliver was in danger of being hurt.
  • Animal Nature: Irena's were-panther nature is apparent to any other animal, causing occasionally violent reactions. Animals (especially other cats) suffer a -1cs reaction to Irena.

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