Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inque from 'Batman Beyond'

Real name unrevealed, believed to have the last name 'Clay'

F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)

Area Knowledge: New Gotham
Knowledge: Super-villains
Knowledge: Criminals of Gotham
Martial Arts C

Body Transformation: Liquid
Inque can transform her body into a viscous black solution reminiscent of india ink, allowing her several advantages:

•Plasticity: Inque can shape her body any way she sees fit, flattening her form or forming simply shapes with finite control. Inque does with with In (40) ability
•Body Armor: Inque's malleable form protects her from many forms of physical damage, including kinetic (Which may temporarily disperse her), slashing, blunt, impact, or striking. Inque is considered invulnerable to those types of damage. Inque is granted Ex (20) protection against toxins and disease while in her 'inque' state.
•Enhanced Strength: Inque's form allows her greater strength, comparable to In (40) strength for the purposes of lifting or slugfest
•Wall-crawling: Inque can adhere to any surface with Rm (30) ability, and as a power stunt can grab objects, holding them fast up to an area away
•Multiple Attacks: Inque gains 3 melee attacks per round due to her ability to control her shape.
•Area attack: Inque can slam an area for In (40) damage, spreading herself out over one area. Inque does not do this often as it requires an Endurance FEAT.

While Inque is in demand as a mercenary and saboteur, it is clearly stated she has no real contacts, having to use her untrustworthy daughter to assistance. Inque has a history of betraying those who would help her, hence no contacts.

Despite Inque's powers, she has several key limitations:
  • Reliance on Mutagen: Inque occasionally needs to 'recharge' her powers through the use of a mutagen that she's had access to. Inque is very reliant on the mutagen to maintain her powers.
  • Vulnerability to Damage: Inque suffers a +1cs to fire, electrical, and Ice damage.
  • Dispersion: Inque can be dispersed while in her liquid state by inclusion of another liquid at high volume (such as water). In layman's terms, if Inque is hit with a liquid attack of Am (50) or greater, she must make an Psyche FEAT to maintain her form.

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