Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rapunzel from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'

 Real Name Unknown
F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Typ (6)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (6)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 62
Karma: 36
Popularity: 15 in own era
Resources: Typ (6)

Wrestling (With Hair)

Prehensile Hair: Rapunzel had the ability, similarly to Medusa, to manipulate her hair. Rapunzel could manipulate and control objects with Rm (30) strength and Agility, as well as reach 1 solid area away, and/or perform up to three attacks.

Mr. Mime (partner)
The First Line

Secret Identity

Professor William Carmody from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'

William Carmody

F: Fe (2)
A: Fe (2)
S: Fe (2)
E: Fe (2)
R: In (40)
I: Rm (30)
P: Am (50)

Health: 8
Karma: 120
Popularity: 5 as Professor Carmody
Resources: Rm (30)


Telepathy: Am (50)
Mind Bolt: In (40)
Mind Probe: In (40)
Sensory Link: Rm (30)
Life Detection: Ex (20)

The First Line
The Carmody Institute
Various government contacts

Unusual Looks: Professor Carmody spent years simply as a brain in a jar, then as a fetus sized homoculus.
Enemy: Nocturne

This is Professor Carmody prior to his creation of the android/battlesuit Walkabout.

Effigy from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'


 Velmax, Alias Mr. Scott

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

H: 70
K: 70
Pop: 20 (in era)
Resources: Gd (10)

Astrogation, Knowledge: Skrulls, Detective/Espionage, Acting, Martial arts A, C, Firearms, Astronomy, Military

ShapeShifting: Rm (30). Effigy could shape-shift into larger, more powerful forms, and may have been altered to increase the range of the natural skrull limits to shapeshifting.

Various government agencies, the First Line

Dark Secret: No one knows Effigy is a Skrull. It was generally believed he gained his shape-shifting powers through an accident.

Effigy was an advanced scout and infiltration specialist for the Skull Empire in the 1950s. Upon arriving on Earth, Effigy became part of the early government plans on creating the First Line, and came to love humanity and America especially. Effigy served as a member of the First Line for years, until the attempted invasion by the skrulls. Effigy sacrified his life to destroy the Skrull command carrier, thus proving his loyalty once and for all.

Firefall from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'


F: Gd (10)
A: Rm (30)
S: Typ (6)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 76
Karma: 90
Popularity: 15 in own era
Resources: Typ (6)

Knowledge: Hero/Villain
Aerial Combat

Fire Generation: Am (50) intensity flame generation
- Energy Sheath: Firefall could generate a Rm (30) energy sheath of flame as well.
- Flight: Firefall could fly at In (40) airspeed.

The First Line

Secret Identity

Firefall was one of the recruits of the First Line, gathered together to stop a skrull invasion prior to the appearance of the Fantastic Four. Firefall like most of her team-mates were killed in the assault on the Skrull command ship.

Walkabout from "Marvel: The Lost Generation"


 F: Ex (20)
A: Ex (20)
S: Am (50)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: Typ (6)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 130
Karma: 26
Resources: Pr (4)/Gd (10)
Popularity: 15/20


Walkabout has the following skills outside of the shared skills of Professor Carmody:
- Aerial Combat
- Electronics
- Repair/Tinker (Self Systems)

Robotic Construction: Walkabout was one of the first sentient robots to be created, and served as the symbiote partner of Professor Carmody. Walkabout's construction gave him:
- Body Armor: In (40) protection against physical and corrosive attacks, Ex (20) vs. Energy attacks.
- Immunity to Sleep, Toxins, and Disease
- Flight: Walkabout could fly with In (40) airspeed
- Communicate with Cybernetics: Walkabout could plug directly into a computer with Gd (10) ability.
- Telescopic Limbs: Much like the later Machine Man, Walkabout could project his Limbs with Pr (20) elongation.
- Computerized Senses: Walkabout had Gd (10) infra-red, ultraviolet, starlight, low light, and thermal vision, as well as hyper hearing and the ability to pick up and communicate on most radio bands.

Cybernetic Symbiote Gestalt:
Walkabout became the main means of locomotion for Professor William Carmody and as such, served as his life-support unit. Walkabout provided Ex (20) life-support for Professor Carmody.

The First Line
Professor William Carmody
The Carmody Institute

Vulnerability to blaster fire: Walkabout's construction, while hardy, was vulnerable to the Skrull blaster fire, causing a -1cs to its body armor.
Unusual looks: Walkabout is a massive robot at 7'
Enemy: Nocture: Walkabout and Carmody were enemies of the villain Nocture.

Nightingale from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation"


F: Typ (6)
A: Gd (10)
S: Pr (4)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 70
Karma: 60
Popularity: 15 (In own era)
Resources: Gd (10)

Mystic Origin*
- Occult Lore

Empathy: In (40)

Nightingale's Healing:
Nightingale had a unique form of empathic healing, which she often used in service of the First Line. In essence, Nightingale's healing was considered to be Am (50) Damage Transferral, with a catch: Nightingale could transfer as much damage as she had endurance and health to 0, effectively 'killing her'. Nightingale then would restore to full health and endurance after 1 - 20 Rounds using one of her 'lives'. Nightingale possessed many 'lives' she could use to heal someone, but there was a limit. In essence, Nightingale possessed:
- Iron Will - Rm (30) to ignore pain, add to healing, and mitigate her healing
- Damage Transferral: Am (50) to take damage from a wounded teammate onto herself.
- Serial Immortality*: Nightingale would return from the dead 1 - 20 rounds, sacrificing one of her 'lives'.

The First Line

Finite Powers: Nightingale was aware that each time she used up a 'life' she was hastening her own death.
Unusual Looks: Nightingale wore a full body (Head to toe) costume at all times.

Yankee Clipper from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'

Yankee Clipper

Patrick Carney

F: Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)/In (40)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Karma: 50
Popularity: 10/25 (In own time)
Resources: Gd (10)

Knowledge: Hero/Villain: Marvel Golden Age
Martial Arts: A

Belt: All of Yankee Clipper's powers derive from a belt designed to allow someone to time travel. In Casey's hands, it grants him superhuman strength (+2cs), as well as the following powers:
- Force Field: In (40) resistance, with a 1 area range
- Time Travel: This power is not active usually, but can move the wearer forward and backwards through time with Rm (30) ability. Patrick doesn't know how to use this power, and wasn't aware of it until encountering the exact duplicate of the belt.

Mr. Justice (Deceased)
the First Line - Group (Deceased)
Pixie of the Eternals

Unpredictable Powers: The Yankee Clipper's time travel powers are unpredictable when first encountered, and as such, the Clipper jumped several times before deciding to retire.

Man out of time: Much like Captain America, the Clipper's hero, Yankee Clipper is a man from the 1950s, with occasional issues adjusting to the new eras he's found himself in.

Pixie from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'


Real Name unknown

F: Gd (10)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: Gd (10)
P: Rm (30)

Ancient History
Aerial Combat

(I'm borrowing from this site the standard Eternal Powers. Props and credit to
Pixie is an Eternal, and as such possesses the following powers:

Invulnerabilities: Pixie is invulnerable to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, and Disease. Pixie does not age and can still be affected by Stun, Slam, and Kill results. Pixie is only affected by a Kill result that would scatter her atoms over a wide area of space.

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Pixie can manipulate Cosmic Energy at Incredible rank and is able to perform the following power stunts:
- Teleportation: Pixie can teleport at Excellent rank
- Illusions: Pixie can generate illusions of Remarkable rank to disguise her own appearance.
- True Flight: Pixie is able to fly by mentally manipulating graviton particles around her attaining a maximum of Unearthly speeds.
- Pixie 'Dust": By manipularing Cosmic energy, Pixie can cast 'dust' which transforms people to stone with Am (50) ability.

Uni-Mind: Pixie, like all Eternals, can form the Uni-Mind.

The First Line
The other Earthborn Eternals
The Yankee Clipper

Pixie's status as an Eternal was not widely known

Oxbow from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'


Sam Motonabbe
F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: In (40)
E: In (40)
R: Typ (6)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 130
Karma: 56
Popularity: 20 in own era
Resources: Typical

Weapons: Bows
Knowledge: Hero/Villain (Of the 1960s - 1980s)

Body Resistance: Rm (30) protection vs. Physical, Ex (20) protection vs. Energy
Resist: Disease: Ex (20)

Bow: Ex (20) Material Strength, allows Oxbow to fire arrows up to 10 areas away due to his strength. The Bow is adjusted to his strength.
Quiver: Oxbow has a quiver with a few specialized arrows:
- Broadhead arrows: Oxbow can fire them doing Rm (30) shooting damage on impact.
- Concussion arrows: Oxbow fires concussion arrows which do Rm (30) concussive damage to a 1 area radius.
- Cable arrows: Oxbow can fire an arrow with 100' of cable attached to it, capable of supporting In (40) weights
- Net arrows: Oxbow can fire an arrow which provides Ex (20) entangling with a one area range.

Oxbow had other arrows available to him, and it is assumed he could probably create new trick arrows as necessary.

The First Line
Possibly connected to Eugene Judd (Puck) and perhaps Logan (Wolverine).

Secret ID: Oxbow's identity was secret, and as such, unknown to anyone outside of select members of his team and Pixie.
Mutant: It was not commonly known that Oxbow was a mutant. As such, it would make Oxbow one of the first modern mutants to appear after Namor.

Doctor Cassandra Locke from "Marvel: The Lost Generation"

Dr. Cassandra Locke

F: Typ (6)
A: Typ (6)
S: Typ (6)
E: Gd (10)
R: Rm (30)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 48
Karma: 70
Popularity: 10 in own time
Resources: Ex (20) in own time, with access to Rm (30)

Knowledge: Earth History


Belt: Dr. Locke used a a belt designed to allow someone to time travel. In addition to the ability to time travel, it granted her the following abilities:
- Force Field: In (40) resistance, with a 1 area range
- Time Travel: Am (50) ability to travel time. Dr. Locke was versed in using the device.

Various contacts in her future
Possibly the Yankee Clipper


LIke mythical Cassandra, Dr. Locke attempted to discover the truth about an attempted Skrull invasion in her own time. Using a time travel belt, she attempted to gather proof that the Skrulls had attempted to invade Earth in the past, a fact that the Skrulls had removed from historical evidence. Dr. Locke's time travel actually set up the creation of the Yankee Clipper and the Front Line, and ultimately allowed her to save her own time at the cost of her own life.

Mr. Justice from 'Marvel: The Lost Generation'

Mr. Justice

Timothy "Tim" Carney
F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 100
Karma: 50
Popularity: 20 (in own era)
Resources: Gd (10)

Law Enforcement*
Martial Arts A
Martial Arts B
Martial Arts C
Knowledge: Hero/villain

Costume: Ex (20) protection vs. Physical, Gd (10) vs. energy
Pistol: Capable of doing 20 Shooting damage
Mr. Justice's Transport:
Speed: Rm (30) Control Ex (20) Body In (40)

The First Line
Yankee Clipper
The Black Fox

Secret ID

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Black Fox from "Marvels: The Lost Generation"

The Black Fox



Doctor Robert Paine

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Ex (20)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 100
Karma: 70
Popularity: 20 in pre-1970's 616 continuity.
Resources: Rm (30)

Martial Arts: A, B, D, E


The Flying Fox:
Speed: In (40), Control: Ex (20) Body Ex (20)
Radar Invisibilty: The Flying Fox was invisible to Radar or standard detections with Ex (20) ability.

The First Line
US Intelligence Agencies until Late 1960s

Secret ID: Most individuals were not aware the Black Fox was Dr. Robert Paine
Enemy: Nocturne the Vampire.

Baron Karza from Micronauts

Of all the write-ups I've done over the years, I cannot begin to believe I left this one off the blog. Without a doubt, Baron Karza is probably my favorite villain. Bill Mantlo's excellent characterization defined what a super-villain should be motivated, act, and end like.


Karza, former head scientist and Microverse Tyrant

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: In (40)
E: Mn (75)
R: In (40)
I: In (40)
P: Am (50)
Health: 175
Karma: 130
Popularity: -60 (In Microverse, for those few he didn’t kill)
Resources: MN (75)


Baron Karza was considered at one time the greatest scientist in the Microverse. His Talents included:
Doctor, Computers, Physics, Cybernetics, genetics, Trivia:Time-Travellers, Trivia: Uni-force, Astrophysics, Resist: Domination*, Leadership*, Tactics, Martial Arts: C, Martial Arts: E

Karza had very very few contacts, mostly lackeys and occasional servants:
Prince Shaitan of the Acroyears (Low)

Powers and Equipment:
Powered Armor: A great deal of Karza’s abilities came from the armor he wore. it was both the symbol of his enduring power, and the symbol of dread and terror that Karza inflicted upon the Microverse. The armor conveyed the following powers:
- Body Armor: MN (75) protection vs. physical attacks, AM (50) against energy
- Force Blasts: AM (50) energy blasts
- Communication w/ Cybernetics: Karza could control and manipulate both creatures and technology at RM (30)
- Self-Sustenance: Since Karza no longer had an organic body per say, the armor sustained him/.
- Force Shields: Karza could enact force shields with AM (50) intensity
- Body Transformation: After merging with the Force Commander Argon, Karza could change himself into a Centaur-like form, which would provide him with RM (30) hyper-running. In addition, Karza could and did attack with his hooves, which would inflict Rm (30) damage.
Karza’s Mental Powers:
-Mind Possession: Perhaps the power most famous for, Karza could transfer his consciousness into another form, and did so with Kitty Pryde of the X-men, as well as Argon the Force Commander, and quite possibly Commander Rann. Karza could do this at Am (50) ability.
-Telepathy: Karza possessed RM (30) telepathic powers
-Astral Projection: It is theorized Karza could exist on the Astral plane, and if so, could do this at RM (30) ability
-Mind Bolt: Karza could fire AM (50) mental bolts of pure force, substantial enough to counter Professor X.

This is quintessential Karza, the combination of Doctor Doom and Darth Vader all rolled up into one. If you get a chance to read the excellent Bill Mantlo Micronauts, it's worth it.

Red Sonja, the She-Devil with a sword

F In 40
A Rm 30
S Ex 20
E Rm 30
R Gd 10
I Ex 20
P Rm 30
Health: 120
Karma: 60
Resources: Typ (6)
Popularity: 20 (in her own age)

Real Name: Sonja
Other Known Aliases: She-Devil with a Sword
Place of Birth: Hyrkanian Steps
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives:Father, Mother, Brothers, Sister(Deceased)


Indominable Will: Sonja’s will is impressive, especially in defense of her oath. As such, Sonja’s Psyche is considered to be AM (50) in the purposes of all FEATS.
Lucky: Sonja is incredibly lucky in her adventures, often times overcoming adversaries simply by the smallest of margins. As such, once per game, Sonja may choose to re-roll one result. In addition, If Sonja is faced with a critical result which could result in loss of life and/or limb, Sonja can re-roll a failed result.

Sonja utilizes various swords and weapons of exceptional quality. When encountering Sonja, it is assumed that she will be utilizing a sword of Rm (30) material, capable of doing Ex (20) slashing damage.

Archery: Bows, Martial Arts: Basic, Martial Arts: Rough-house, History: Pre-Atlantian, Hunting, Tracking, Survival: Wilderness, Survival: Jungle, Stealth, Occult Lore: Hyrakean, Weapons Group: Ancient, Multi-Lingual, Horsemanship, Thief*. Wrestling, Sharp Weapons

Sonja has the following contacts:
Conan (Moderate)
Various contacts across the world.
Spider-Man (Low)

  • Enemy: Kulan Gath
  • Enemy: Thoth Amon
  • Vow: Sonja has taken a vow which among other things prevents her from being with a man who has not defeated her in battle.

Elijah Snow from 'Planetary'

F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (6)
E: Rm (30)
R: Rm (30)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)

Health: 66
Karma: 100
Popularity: 0*
Resources: Personal Ex (20), Planetary MN (75)

Cryokinesis: Coined by Jakita Wagner as 'Heat Subtraction', Elijah has complete mastery over the manipulation of Ice, temperature at Am (50) ability. Elijah once flash froze Dracula completely within a few seconds, and has considerable use of his powers.

  • Century Baby: As Elijah is one of the century babies, Elijah probably has access to a number of powers that are simply not easily identified. Among the powers Elijah has shown:
  • Iron Will: In (40) intensity to resist both elaborate mind control and pain.
  • Dimensional Perception: Elijah understand the various rifts and folds in the dimensional fabric, and can pinpoint precise entry points.
  • Longevity: Elijah is extremely long-lived (100+) prior to joining Planetary.

As Elijah has both a good intellect and several years studying under Sherlock Holmes, It is safe to say that Elijah has been trained in various skills ranging from Judo to languages to sciences. Elijah has demonstrated:
- Resist Domination
- Observation
- Occult Lore
- Basic Sciences
- Dimensional Theory
- Psychology
...and several other skills down the road.

Jakita Wagner

  • Missing Memory: Elijah suffered from serious mental blocks placed within his mind by the mysterious four, which included forgetting about Planetary and much of his life. AS such, Elijah is at a -2cs to recover any information regarding his past, or specifically the early encounter with the four.
  • Dark Secrets: Elijah has many dark secrets that have more than once threatened his relationships within Planetary, including withholding information regarding Jakita's true parentage. Such information makes Elijah difficult to know, and even more difficult to deal with.

Karate Kid from Legion of Super-Heroes

Old Files I'm finally transitioning....One of my favorite Legion members of all time....

Karate Kid




Val Armorr

Fighting: Mn (75)
Agility: In (40)
Strength: Gd (10)
Endurance: In (40)
Reason: Gd (10)
Intuition: Rm (30)
Psyche: Rm (30)


All Martial Arts
Weapons Master* (While KK hates weapons, he has been trained in all of them).
Resist: Domination*
Knowledge: Heroes and Villains 30th Century
Knowledge: LSH Protocols and Operations

Martial Supremacies: Val is a master of all Martial Supremacies at Am (50), making him the most formidible hand to hand combatant in the 30th century. Val is capable of punching through titanium steel, stunning Validus, and even striking Darkseid. Val can determine the absolute point of weakness in a structure or individual, often using it to stun or incapacitate an individual.

Iron Will: Val has trained his body to overcome any issue, granting him Iron Will of In (40)

Equipment: Legion Flight Ring: Val possesses a Legion Flight ring which allows him to fly with Rm (30) ability.

Legion of Super Heroes (Pre-Crisis)
Una (Last of the Triplicate Girl Bodies)

Val was infected with a deadly virus that was killing him (and apparently ultimately does kill him).

Ninjak - Valiant Version (Circa 1990s)

Recovering a few older write-ups I've posted here and there....



Real Name: Colin King
Occupation: British Agent of Weaponeer

F: In (40)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Rm (30)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

H: 110
K: 90
Resources: In (40)
Popularity: 15/40 (in Intelligence networks and/or criminal underworld)

Martial Arts A, B, D, E
Oriental Weapons*
Multi-lingual*: Known to speak English, Japanese, Russian, and at least four forms of Chinese among others.

Iron Will: Rm (30)

Ninjak utilizes a variety of weaponry ranging from traditional Japanese weaponry to modern firearms. Among Ninjak's personal arsenal:
- Shurikens: 20 Pts Thrown Edge, Ex (20) material strength, 1 area range. Shaped with a stylized 'N'
- Swords: 30 pts edged, Rm (30) material, collapsible and concealable (requiring Ex (20) intuition FEAT to spot).

Costume: Provides Rm (30) body armor, including Ex (20) energy protection. In addition, the suit does not interfere with Ninjak's range of motion, and provides Gd (10) environmental protection. In addition, the suit has the Gd (10) ability to shift colors and blend into the surroundings, similar to a chameleon.

Neville Alcott: British Intelligence
The Weaponeer: Deceased
Various contacts in Japan

A quick note

Thank you for viewing these write-ups. I've not meant to neglect this blog for so long, and I'm going to begin cleaning it up, reposting pictures and working to convert older stats. I've needed to do this for some time, and I'm sorry it took so long :D.

I always take requests if you'd like to see me tackle someone or thing, although I tend to try to stay away from popular characters - There are great people who do better work elsewhere.

Bessie The Hell-Cow

The most dangerous vampire of them all....

Bessie, The Hellcow, the Cow of Hell, The Bovine Blood-drinker, the Dracula of Dairy

F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: In (40)
E: In (40)
R: Pr (04)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 130
Karma: 64
Popularity: -10 as the Hellcow, 0 as a regular cow.
Resources: N/A

Mystic Origin*
Cow things.

Vampire: Bessie is a vampire, spawned by Dracula himself, and has all of those cool vampire powers. For a full run-down of those powers, please see the main site's entry on vampires.. Bessie can totally do all of those things, and she's got a it's very vampire-like.
Cow Abilities:Bessie also has natural abilities related to a cow. At one point a crazy scientist tried to use Bessie's cow abilities combined with her vampire abilities to create an army or find immortality or something....I don' really remember, but it was a Deadpool team-up, so there.

Bessie theoretically is the spawn of Dracula, although I'm not certain he'd admit this.
Deadpool thought she was cool, so it's possible Deadpool might be called?

  • Vampire Limitations: Bessie has the full limitations of a vampire.
  • Cow Limitations: Bessie has the full limitations of a cow.

Matthew Star from 'The Powers of Matthew Star'

Quadris, a planet of the (Tau Ceti) system, twelve light years across the galaxy from Earth. It was home for us until an intergalactic armada conquered it. I fought by the royal family's side, but in vain. Even their remarkable powers weren't enough. The crown prince and I escaped to the nearest planet on which we could survive and further his powers in order to some day return to free his people.

Here on Earth, the prince is known as Matthew Star. He's a typical American teenager. He has friends; people who love him. And me, his guardian. I'm the only one who knows how special he is. Life for us is a series of joys and dangers. Enemy assassins constantly come to destroy us. Alone, we must survive.

Matthew Star/E'Hawke

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: In (40)

Health: 56
Karma: 80
Popularity: (as Matthew Star on Earth) 0, (As Prince E'Hawke in outer space) +20
Resources: Gd (10)/Unknown (As a crown prince of a moderate space empire)

Knowledge: Quadrasian Culture
Knowledge: Quadrasian History
Psionic Combat*
Heir To Fortune: Nobility*

Omnipath Matthew Star is an Omnipath, whose powers will grow as he gets older. As of the series, Star has developed various abilities with the potential to become the greatest Omnipath his people have ever seen. For the purposes of this write-up,Star's omnipathic powers are restricted to what he has manifested during the entire first season and parts of the second. Star has demonstrated the following powers:
  • Telepathy: Ex (20)
  • Telekinesis: Ex (20)
  • Precognition*: Ex (20)
  • ESP: Ex (20)
  • Clairvoyance: Rm (30)

Star's powers are formidable but undisciplined, and is shown to be far more expansive in the second season (including some levels of matter transformation). As Star grows in age and discipline, his powers also grown in scope and power. Early on however, Star's abilities while outwardly impressive require an effective control FEAT to use (Except his Precognitive and Clairvoyant powers).

Star's only real contact initially is his mentor/teacher D'Hai/Walter Shepherd. Although technically Star has countless contacts within his home world, he is technically unable to use them until he is able to return home and free them.

Matthew has several key limitations both due to his unique physiology and status:

  • Hunted: Matthew Star is actively hunted by the agents of the enemy occupying force from his home world, and has been the target of multiple attempts to either capture or kill him.
  • Enemy: Alien Overlords: The Armada that has taken his over his home world are considered 'arch-enemies' of Matthew.
  • Secret: Alien: It is not publicly known that Matthew Star is alien. Even his girlfriend Pam was unaware of his dual nature.
  • Inexperienced: Early on, Matthew has only limited experience with controlling his powers.
  • Watched: The US Government is currently Watching Matthew Star and is aware of his dual nature.
  • Elemental Allergy: Most Quadrasian have severe allergies in reaction to Earth's environment (similar in scope to the Inhuman elemental allergies). While Matthew seems not to be effected, all other members of his race/species have shown nearly deadly reactions to various Environmental issues.

Morningstar from 'The Elementals'

Jeanette Sarah Crain

F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Gd (10)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 90
Karma: 50*
Popularity: 30*
Resources: Rm (30)*/Typ (06)* (Later Resources/Starting Resources)

Martial Arts: E
Aerial Combat
Mystic Origin*

Imbued with the elemental force of Fire:
Jeanette was burned alive by an arsonist while working an investigation. Granted powers and abilities by the Avatar of Fire, Jeanette has gained the following abilities:
  • Fire Sheath: Jeanette can summon a fiery sheath around her, protecting her against damage and providing her with Am (50) Energy Sheath.
  • Fire Control and Generation: Jeanette has Mn (75) ability to control fire and manipulate fire with great ability, projecting flames as simple as a candle to as intense as an inferno. Jeanette's control is difficult at first, but grows with experience.
  • Flight: Jeanette can fly with Am (50) ability, and is able to perform complex aerial maneuvering with simply Agility FEATs.
  • Immunity: Fire and Heat: Jeanette is immune to all forms of fire and heat, and does not take damage from such.

Undead Nature: Although not clearly stated early on, the Elementals are undead - Not the rotting variety, but the non-living detached from humanity sort of undead. Regardless of the success or failure of their actions, the Elementals cannot gain or lose karma in the traditional sense, although especially early on, the Elementals do not realize this fact and will go about trying to do so. The Elementals do not evolve quite like anyone else, as they are affectively stuck in their positions and with each other. for the mechanical purposes of the the Elementals, they regenerate to the their original RIP totals, evolving only when mystical prompted or due the effects of radical changes. They cannot improve their abilities nor their state.

Along with their inability to 'live' normal lives, The Undead Nature of the Elementals prevents them from interacting with normal humanity for long periods of time. The longer that a member of the Elementals interact, the Judge must secretly roll a reaction/Intuition bonus. Humanity will mostly fill 'ill-at-ease' with the Elementals, but that feeling grows. The result of the reaction bonus is as follows:

White: Open Hostility
Green: Distrust/Anger/Disgust
Yellow: Unnerved but mostly normal. Will feel something is off
Red: No effect immediately.

This effect begins almost immediately after encountering the Elementals, but checks only begin after a certain period (usually a week to two). For each week after initial encounter, subtract a -1 CS from the target intuition to reflect the growing sense of something....wrong....

Finally, the Undead Nature of the Elementals makes them almost completely immune to damage in a traditional sense, although they can take damage and are not apparently immune. Each Elemental is immune to the element which initially killed them, and they are restored (mostly) to how they looked before they died. Once restored, they do not age, are immune from toxins, disease, and other similar normal effects. An Elemental regenerates damage with Am (50) ability, recovering Endurance ranks as quickly. While taking damage, the Elemental still must make checks vs. Death, Stun, and Slam, but even on a Death result may begin regenerating. Too many early issues had an elemental waking up in coroner's office or still operating with massively obvious damage. While apparently un-killable, the Elementals are far from it.

An Elemental can choose to die or be killed through acts of extreme violence. Mystical forces and powers can also kill an Elemental, as can the forces of the others - An Elemental can kill another Elemental (but not early on). It is possible that an Elemental will live for tens of thousands of years (As seen in the first series after the encounter with the assassin Sanction - A dream sequence from Monolith shows him a possible (likely) future). If an Elemental receives a kill result with 50% of their health and Endurance missing,it is possible to kill them...the elemental must make a Psyche FEAT at -2cs, followed by an Endurance FEAT. If the Elemental fails one or the other, they begin the normal dying process and cannot regenerate. If they fail both, they lose the remainder of their health and Endurance ranks immediately. Once an Elemental is died, another person who has been killed in the same manner will rise to take their place (Drowning for water, burning for fire, landslide/mudslide/etc for Earth, and suffocation for air).

Jeanette maintains connections within Law Enforcement, and later cultivates various other contacts as leader of The Elementals.

Jeanette has some key Limitations:
  • Arch-Enemy: Shapeshifter: Jeanette has a long-term and complex relationship with the villain ShapeShifter, who went out of her/his/its way to seduce and destroy Morningstar after a defeat. In Tommy Czerkha's future dream in the far future, Shapeshifter is Jeanette's constant companion. Early on however, Shapeshifter dedicates his/her/its attentions fully on destroying Morningstar.
  • Public Identity: The world knows that Jeanette Crain is Morningstar
  • Mysterious Destiny: Especially later on, Morningstar has a destiny both on her own and other worlds. Morningstar's future reputation blindsides her on more than one occasion.
  • Stubborn: Morningstar is slightly stubborn.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monolith from 'The Elementals'


Tommy Czuchra

F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Typ (06)/Mn (75)
E: Rm (30)/Mn (75)
R: Ex (20)
I: Gd (10)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 56/170
Karma: 60
Popularity: 30 (It begins to drop the longer he's affiliated)/-20 (as Saker's General)
Resources: Gd (10)/Rm (30)/Mn (75) (As himself, as a member of Elementals, as a General in Saker's army able to command Saker's resources).

Mystic Origin*
- Occult Lore
Knowledge: Elementals
Military (Later)

Imbued with the elemental force of Earth:

Tommy was granted immense power as the avatar for the elemental form of Earth. As Monolith, Tommy could transform his form into the massively powered Monolith, granting him the following abilities:
  • Armor Skin: Monolith's rocky exterior could withstand great damage to Am (50) rank vs. Physical/Energy damage. Monolith could only be stunned through massive or mystical damage (As seen when the assassin Sanction blew a hole through him with a fairly high-tech rocket).
  • Immunity: In his Monolith form, Tommy was immune to disease, toxins, most radiation, and poisons. Although Tommy's undead also granted him immunity, Tommy takes no additional damage as Monolith.
  • Superhuman Stats: Tommy's Strength and Endurance would increase as Monolith, granting him a significant health boost.

Undead Nature: Although unspecific early on, the Elementals are undead - Not the rotting variety, but the non-living detached from humanity sort of undead. Regardless of the success or failure of their actions, the Elementals cannot gain or lose karma in the traditional sense, although especially early on, the Elementals do not realize this fact and will go about trying to do so. The Elementals do not evolve quite like anyone else, as they are affectedly stuck in their positions and with each other. for the mechanical purposes of the the Elementals, they regenerate to the their original RIP totals, evolving only when mystical prompted or due the effects of radical changes. They cannot improve their abilities nor their state.

Along with their inability to 'live' normal lives, The Undead Nature of the Elementals prevents them from interacting with normal humanity for long periods of time. The longer that a member of the Elementals interact, the Judge must secretly roll a reaction/Intuition bonus. Humanity will mostly fill 'ill-at-ease' with the Elementals, but that feeling grows. The result of the reaction bonus is as follows:

White: Open Hostility
Green: Distrust/Anger/Disgust
Yellow: Unnerved but mostly normal. Will feel something is off
Red: No effect immediately.

This effect begins almost immediately after encountering the Elementals, but checks only begin after a certain period (usually a week to two). For each week after initial encounter, subtract a -1 CS from the target intuition to reflect the growing sense of something....wrong....

Finally, the Undead Nature of the Elementals makes them almost completely immune to damage in a traditional sense, although they can take damage and are not apparently immune. Each Elemental is immune to the element which initially killed them, and they are restored (mostly) to how they looked before they died. Once restored, they do not age, are immune from toxins, disease, and other similar normal effects. An Elemental regenerates damage with Am (50) ability, recovering Endurance ranks as quickly. While taking damage, the Elemental still must make checks vs. Death, Stun, and Slam, but even on a Death result may begin regenerating. Too many early issues had an elemental waking up in coroner's office or still operating with massively obvious damage. While apparently unkillable, the Elementals are from it.

An Elemental can choose to die or be killed through acts of extreme violence. Mystical forces and powers can also kill an Elemental, as can the forces of the others - An Elemental can kill another Elemental (but not early on). It is possible that an Elemental will live for tens of thousands of years (As seen in the first series after the encounter with the assassin Sanction - A dream sequence from Monolith shows him a possible (likely) future). If an Elemental receives a kill result with 50% of their health and Endurance missing,it is possible to kill them...the elemental must make a Psyche FEAT at -2cs, followed by an Endurance FEAT. If the Elemental fails one or the other, they begin the normal dying process and cannot regenerate. If they fail both, they lose the remainder of their health and Endurance ranks immediately. Once an Elemental is died, another person who has been killed in the same manner will rise to take their place (Drowning for water, burning for fire, landslide/mudslide/etc for Earth, and suffocation for air).

Tommy had contacts with the other Elementals until his turn as well as the government agency F.I.S.H., and always had Lord Saker's interest. After Tommy's turn, Tommy gains Saker's remaining forces as contacts.

  • Inhuman Looks: Tommy as Monolith suffered a -1cs initial reaction effect.
  • 13 going on 30: Tommy's undeath makes him perpetually 13. As such, despite his true age, Tommy will always look 13, even thousands of years in the future.
  • Descent into Villainy: Tommy abandons his team (and later being Monolith), and is considered not only a criminal but a high-ranking member of Lord Saker's army.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Fathom from 'The Elementals'

Rebecca Golden

F: Gd (10)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Am (50)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 100
Karma: 50 (See Below)
Resources: Rm (30)
Popularity: Initial 30, but the longer the Elementals remain active it begins to drop.


Mystic Origin*
Heir to Fortune*
Knowledge: Popular Culture
Knowledge: Media Trends
Knowledge: High Fashion
Underwater Combat


Imbued with the elemental force of water:

Rebecca Golden drowned while boating, only to find herself resurrected by the elemental force of water into its new avatar. While possessing great powers, Golden's new unliving nature and unusual looks provided many problems and ultimately led to several confrontations. Golden's powers as an elemental include:
  • Complete Adaptation for Water: Golden is considered to be completely adapted for aquatic life, granting her Hyper-Swimming and Water Freedom at Mn (75), as well as water breathing. As a side-effect, Golden's skin has turned a brilliant jade green, and her hands and feet are webbed making her the most distinct Elemental outside of Monolith in his stone form.
  • Water Body: Fathom can convert her body completely into water, allowing her merge with larger pools, escape captors through use of sinks and toliets, and even 'heal' herself. While in her hydro-form, Fathom cannot be spotted nor identified outside of mystical or mental means, in essence she's just water.
  • Hydrokinesis: Fathom can control water, drawing upon natural sources or water vapor in the air. Fathom does this with Mn (75) ability, and has show such uses as creating water blasts, water forms, water walls, mile-high tsunamis, and creating localized flash floods among other things. Unlike the rules for most power stunts, Fathom does not need to spend karma to develop new tricks, but she does need to do them 10 times before they become part of her standard base. See 'Undead Nature' for more details.

Undead Nature: Although unspecifically stated early on, the Elementals are undead - Not the rotting variety, but the non-living detached from humanity sort of undead. Regardless of the success or failure of their actions, the Elementals cannot gain or lose karma in the traditional sense, although especially early on, the Elementals do not realize this fact and will go about trying to do so. The Elementals do not evolve quite like anyone else, as they are affectly stuck in their positions and with each other. for the mechanical purposes of the the Elementals, they regenerate to the their original RIP totals, evolving only when mystical prompted or due the effects of radical changes. They cannot improve their abilities nor their state.

Along with their inability to 'live' normal lives, The Undead Nature of the Elementals prevents them from interacting with normal humanity for long periods of time. The longer that a member of the Elementals interact, the Judge must secretly roll a reaction/Intuition bonus. Humanity will mostly fill 'ill-at-ease' with the Elementals, but that feeling grows. The result of the reaction bonus is as follows:
  • White: Open Hostility
  • Green: Distrust/Anger/Disgust
  • Yellow: Unnerved but mostly normal. Will feel something is off
  • Red: No effect immediately.

This effect begins almost immediately after encountering the Elementals, but checks only begin after a certain period (usually a week to two). For each week after initial encounter, subtract a -1 CS from the target intution to reflect the growing sense of something....wrong....

Finally, the Undead Nature of the Elementals makes them almost completely immune to damage in a traditional sense, although they can take damage and are not apparently immune. Each Elemental is immune to the element which initially killed them, and they are restored (mostly) to how they looked before they died. Once restored, they do not age, are immune from toxins, disease, and other similar normal effects. An Elemental regenerates damage with Am (50) ability, recovering Endurance ranks as quickly. While taking damage, the Elemental still must make checks vs. Death, Stun, and Slam, but even on a Death result may begin regenerating. Too many early issues had an elemental waking up in coroner's office or still operating with massively obvious damage. While apparently unkillable, the Elementals are from it.

An Elemental can choose to die or be killed through acts of extreme violence. Mystical forces and powers can also kill an Elemental, as can the forces of the others - An Elemental can kill another Elemental (but not early on). It is possible that an Elemental will live for tens of thousands of years (As seen in the first series after the encounter with the assassin Sanction - A dream sequence from Monolith shows him a possible (likely) future). If an Elemental receives a kill result with 50% of their health and Endurance missing,it is possible to kill them...the elemental must make a Psyche FEAT at -2cs, followed by an Endurance FEAT. If the Elemental fails one or the other, they begin the normal dying process and cannot regenerate. If they fail both, they lose the remainder of their health and Endurance ranks immediately. Once an Elemental is died, another person who has been killed in the same manner will rise to take their place (Drowning for water, burning for fire, landslide/mudslide/etc for Earth, and suffocation for air).


Initially, Fathom maintained the contacts within her wealthy family and had the contacts within the Elemental group. Fathom also caught the eye of the lycanthrope Rat Man, whom she began a romantic relationship with. While he lived, Agent Porter Scott seemed to be one of the few humans that was able to work with the Elementals and maintain a good relationship.


  • Undead Nature: See Above as it as much a limitation as it is a benefit.
  • Enemies: The Elementals have a variety of enemies, ranging from Lord Sakar to Captain Cadaver. Each enemy is dedicated usually destroying the world/reshaping it, and are fully aware of the dangers the Elementals are. In fact, Lord Sakar was the reason the Elementals were formed in the first place, through Sakar's use of the Shadowspear, a weapon of great power and catastropic intent.
    Unusual Looks:
    Fathom has bright green skin and webbed hands and feet all of the time.
  • Globally Known: After the defeat of Sakar, the Elementals become globally known with public identities.

Grendel (Christine Spar Version) (The 1980s)

The child of Hunter Rose's adopted daughter Stacy Palumbo, Christine Spar was the first female Grendel and some would argue that she was the first major anti-heroine of the 1980s indy comic market (I would argue that Slaughterman, a pre-Metroid armored hero(ine) was perhaps one of the first with their own market). Seeking to rescue her son Anson from the vampire Tujiro, Spar embraces the identity of Grendel, becoming entrenched with the madness and violence that it represents. Spar's descent into violent madness is mirrored by the knowledge of her own violent origins and the legacy of Hunter Rose. In the end, Spar loses her life in a final battle with Hunter Rose's greatest foe, Argent - ultimately failing in her quest and dying a tragically violent death that all Grendels suffer.


Christine Spar

F: Ex (20)/ Rm (30)
A: Ex (20)/Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 70/90
Karma: 50
Popularity: - 10 (as Grendel), + 15 (As Christine Spar)
Resources: Rm (30)

Christine Spar has the following talents:
Martial Arts A, B, E
Weapons Specialist*: Grendel's Fork
Knowledge: Hunter Rose
Knowledge: Vampires (Limited, Judge's choice)

Devil by the Deed: Christine has no real powers, but is driven by an almost insatiable vengeance which grants her several power-like abilities. When Christine discovers her connection to Hunter Rose and after her son Anson is kidnapped, Christine changes, becoming harder edged, more driven. The new drive grants Christine the following effects:
  • Iron Will: Christine can ignore damage for a short time, shutting it out like the power of Iron Will and continuing to move forward. Christine still suffers damage and is affected by slams, but may make an intensity FEAT vs. Ex (20) intensity to remain on her feet and ignore pain.
  • Increased Fighting and Agility: Especially while wearing the mask, Christine seems to be more determined and forceful, increasing her Fighting and Agility to the new ranks (Note, this does increase her Health score).
  • Natural Born Liar: Christine can lie with greater ability, granting her an Ex (20) ability to deceive and bluff her way out of situations, as seen during the police interrogations when Grendel becomes active.
  • Fearless: Christine simply cannot feel fear in a traditional sense. It is not that Christine is immune to fear, it is that she simply has suffered too much and cannot feel fear in traditional situations. In such situations Christine can resist with Ex (20) intensity normally, or Rm (30) if she is wearing the Grendel mask.


Christine has access to military-grade surplus through her later connections and wealth from her work as a novelist, but her primary equipment is the Grendel Fork and Mask that were designed by her 'grandfather' Hunter Rose.

Grendel Fork: The 5' fork is a technogical device made of an In (40) material which has microtransmitters built into thr housing and 2' blades which are completely retractable. The fork can halve effective body armor/defenses and does Ex (20) edged damage due to sharpness. In addition, the fork can produce an electric charge from a button along the length, which does Rm (30) damage for one round. The fork is also equipped with a feature allowing it to be used as a grappling line with up to 100' of compressed coil, as well as a weighted blunt end which can be used for Rm (30) blunt damage. The fork requires the Weapon Specialist* talent to wield effectively, as it is balanced perfectly for Hunter Rose (and ironically, Christine Spar).

Grendel Mask: Developed by Rose, the mask allows Ex (20) night vision, allowing it to see in nearly complete darkness up to 2 areas. In addition, the mask provides increased sense of smell, hearing, and can tap into radio frequencies with Gd (10) ability. The mask further provides Grendel with Gd (10) protected senses, and can (by Christine's time) provide Pr (4) intimidation of most citizens (Due to the image's connection to Hunter Rose and Grendel as a whole).

Initially, Christine has many contacts within the publishing world and various friends in society. As Christine begins to descend into madness while attempting to pursue Tujiro and later Argent. Christine can only really count on her Boyfriend Brian towards the end of her life, her contacts either being killed or turning away from her.


The Legacy of the Devil: Anyone who becomes Grendel suffers a grisley death (At least until Grendel Prime). By the Time of Christine Spar (and especially after her book) the world knows about Grendel's past, and are fully aware of the violent history that was left by Hunter Rose. Madness is common with Grendel, and is no different with Christine. Grendel's legacy gives Christine several key limitations:
  • Wanted: The Christine Spar Grendel is wanted in connection to acts of extreme violence and destruction, as well as being associated to the more widely known and villified Hunter Rose version. As such, Grendel is sought actively by police and vigilantes alike.
  • Publically Known: Christine Spar's identity is publically known and is often connected to the new Grendel. The Authorities are fully aware of Spar's identity, she did write a tell-all book on Hunter Rose, and simply lack solid evidence to connect the new Grendel to spar
  • Trademark Look: Outside of the trademark mask, Christine Spar has the same white streak in her hair that Hunter Rose had, become more prevelant as the series (and Christine's madness) progress.
  • Violent Nature: Grendel is always at the source of great violence, and will take the more violent way (Especially in Christine's case) when possible. Christine will spend karma on kill results.
  • Enemy: Argent: Grendel is the enemy of Argent, the Native American werewolf who battled Hunter Rose. Christine becomes obsessed with Argent leading to her final battle.