A request from the Classic Marvel RPG forum on Facebook, I thought I'd repost it here.
F: -
A: -
S: -
E: +1cs (Max Ex 20)
R: -
I: +1cs (Max Rm (30)
P: -
warrior modifies existing technology and materials to create a 21st
century infantry support system, conveying the following:
Increase Strength and Endurance. Although not shown, the LSAT land
warrior system includes trauma plating options which can increase
Endurance for the purposes of stun and slam upwards of +1cs
Telelocation/GPS: The Land Warrior system provides Gd (10) NavSat
navigation systems as well as automatic feeds which can assist units in
coordination and navigation. As a bonus, Land Warrior enhanced soldiers
can gain a +1 to actions through coordination.
relay - Providing Ex (20) ranged communication with Gd (10) Encryption
systems. Peltor headsets and helmet mounted displays provide
Computer relays: The Land Warrior can also use built-in CPUs to manage and transmit data with Gd (10) rank.
Battery Source: The Land Warrior system has a rechargeable battery allowing 10 hours of operation before needing recharge.
Armor - The Land Warrior helmet provides Gd (10) protection to head.
to rig: The Land Warrior's battery used to have issues of overheating
or becoming unstable if damaged. Later models have corrected this.
Older Land Warrior rigs require a reliability check when damaged over
40% (A basic FEAT versus Gd (10) to determine if the system remains
active). The later models resolved many of the issues.