Thursday, February 21, 2019

David Collins from 'Dark Shadows'

 David Collins

Maybe there's something in there he doesn't want anyone to see-maybe something... horrible!

F:  Pr (04)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Gd (10)
I:  Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 20
Karma: 60
Resources: Pr (04)/Rm (30) – Personal/Trust
Popularity: 0*

David currently has the student* talent.

Medium Prodigy: David Collins is a medium prodigy, able to tune into the weirdness of Collinport and the Collinwood estate. David can pick up on ghostly and supernatural activities. David is considered to have the following abilities;

  • Communicate with Dead: David can see and speak with the dead with Rm (30) ability, although he is not always aware that the spirits are not living beings, and is more a receptive medium than a projective/broadcast medium.
  • Precognition*: David has had flashes into the future, occasionally dreams and/or nightmares revealing the future or aspects of the present with Ex (20) ability. David cannot control these dreams, and often they make little sense to him or anyone else.
  • Postcognition: Occasionally, David can gain knowledge from objects he comes into contact with Ex (20). David has been overwhelmed on numerous occasions, requiring a Psyche FEAT at -2cs when such occurs (See Limitations).

David Collins has contacts within the Collins family, specifically ancestors such as Barnabas Collins or Quentin Collins.

David has a few limitations related to his ability and background:

  • Possession Target: David has been possessed on numerous occasions by hostile entities. As such, David has at this age a -1cs to any Psyche FEAT against possession attempts. As David gets older, he loses this vulnerability.
  • Target of Obsession: David is the target of obsession from his real mother, Laura Collins, who seeks to immolate both of them during her rebirth as a phoenix (See last year’s write-up on Laura Collins).
  • Curious: David’s curiosity leads him into trouble on more than one occasion. David is drawn to mysteries and secrets easily, and suffers an initial -1cs to his Intuition in such affairs.

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