Monday, March 28, 2011

Avatar from 'The Futurians'


Real Name Unknown, Alias is Andrew Pendragon

F: Rm (30)
A: Rm (30)
S: Mn (75)
E: Un (100)
R: Rm (30)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Karma: 90
Resources: In (40)/Mn (75) as part of Future Dynamics
Popularity: 20

As Avatar has been alive for over three thousand years, he has multiple talents and disciplines. So far, Avatar has shown to possess:
Martial Arts A, B, C, D, E
Rope use
Knowledge: Inheritors
Knowledge: Superhuman activities
Knowledge: Conspiracies
Knowledge: Ancient World
Knowledge: Art
Occult Lore: Egyptian

Avatar theoretically could have dozens of additional talents.

Uplifted Physiology: Avatar was one of the first humans to benefit from the genetic seeders that were sent back in time to arm humanity. As such, Avatar already had abilities prior to the genetic uplift performed at Future Dynamics. Avatar's abilities prior to the uplift included:
- Longevity: Avatar does not age, or ages very very slowly. As such, Avatar looks to be in his thirties when in fact he is ancient.
- Recovery: Avatar recovers Endurance ranks with Ex (20) ability
- Danger Sense: Avatar's experience has given him something akin to Danger Sense, allowing him to perceive patterns and danger with Rm (30) ability.
- Omni-Knowledge: Avatar's vast experience has allowed him to make incredibly good guesses with little to no facts or information with Mn (75) ability. Avatar figured out some time in the ancient past that the future had been affecting human development, that there was a war on the horizon, and that he was a product of that evolutionary involvement before evolution was a concept. Avatar can spend two rounds analyzing a situation and make a roll to determine additional facts and/or overlooked details, as well as predict accurately results depending on the color of his FEAT roll.
- Resist: Toxins, Disease, and Poisons: Am (50) resistance. In addition, Avatar has burned out the compulsion that was genetically programmed into each of the Futurians from Vandervecken.

Future Dynamics uplift:
Although already powerful, the further uplift to Avatar granted him additional abilities and powers:
- Superhuman Strength: Avatar's strength was increased to its current limits.
- Superhuman Endurance: Avatar's Endurance was increased to current limits
- True Invulnerability: Amazing (50) True Invulnerability
- True Flight: Mn (75) True Flight
- Hyper Speed: As shown in the comics, Avatar can move in bursts of speed with Rm (30) ability, increasing his reaction times and flight speed accordingly
- Regeneration*: Avatar actually regenerates damage as shown in issue #1 and issue #2 with Ex (20) ability.
- Resist: Power Manipulation: Avatar can resist basic attempts to negate his power with Rm (30) ability.

The Futurians
Pendragon Industries

  • Emotionally Detached: Avatar is perhaps the most detached of the group, which makes him 'cold' to everyone but Sunswift. In addition, Avatar sees the purpose of the Futurians as nothing short of manipulation, and continues to serve as a feeling of necessity for humanity rather than loyalty to the group.
  • Overprotective: Avatar has displayed a sense of overprotective 'fatherly' behavior towards Silkie and Mosquito, and will go out of his way for Sunswift.
  • Overconfident: Avatar is very certain of himself, which has led to his own blindsiding.

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