Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Captain America, The Sentinel of Liberty

Captain America

Steve Rogers

F: Am (50)
A: In (40)
S: Ex (20)
E: Am (50)
R: Ex (20)
I: In (40)
P: Am (50)

Health: 160
Karma: 110
Resources: Personal Resources: Gd (10), Accessible Resources Am (50) as Captain America
Popularity: 100

Cap has the following Talents:
Martial Arts A:
Martial Arts B
Martial Arts C
Martial Arts D
Martial Arts E
Weapons Specialist*
Detective Espionage
Knowledge: Avengers Protocols
Knowledge: Avengers Technology
Knowledge: Invaders Protocols
Knowledge: Intelligence Agencies
Knowledge: Superhero/Supervillain Trivia
Knowledge: Counter-force Protocols
Law Enforcement
Knowledge: World War II History
Knowledge: World War II Threats
Knowledge: History

Super Soldier: Cap is the pinnacle of human achievement, gifted with enhanced strength and
stamina. In addition, Cap is far more resistant to disease and toxins than the healthiest person.
- Recovery: Cap possesses Rem (30) recuperative abilities.
- Resist: Disease: Cap is considered immune to normal diseases and has Rm (30) Resistance to exotic or enhanced diseases.
- Resist: Toxins: Cap is considered to have Rm (30) resistance to most earthly based toxins, and cannot be fatigued through normal means. As a result, Cap does not have to make an Endurance FEAT in order to maintain speed or pace while traveling.
- Hyper Running: Cap is capable of running the two minute mile, and is faster than the fastest olympic athlete. Cap is considered to be able to move 4 areas a round on foot.
- Suspended Animation: Cap enters a state of suspended animation under frigid conditions, where his body chemistry halts rather than crystallizes.
- Longevity: In many portrayals of Cap, the super-soldier serum effectively grants Cap extraordinary youth and lifespan. As seen in the alternate universes of Earth X, 1602, and elsewhere, Cap could theoretically live three times the normal lifespan before slowing down.

Indomitable Will: Cap is the symbol of all that is good with America, and possesses great willpower and ability. Cap’s will is considered Un (100) when attempting to break Cap. From Nightmare to Thanos to Mephisto, Cap has resisted the greatest threats who have attempted to overcome Cap's will.

Armored costume: Cap’s costume
provides him with Ex (20) protection against Physical and Ex (20) resistance to Energy attacks. Cap's costume is insulated to provide additional protections against the elements, granting Gd (10) protection against temperatures extreme.

Shield: Cap possesses a shield that is a unique alloy of Adamantium and Vibranium.
It is Cl5000 material, capable of absorbing 100 points of damage per round, or be hurled 3 areas for RM (30) damage. Cap can make the shield rebound up to 5 targets with an agility FEAT, forcing opponents to make a stun/slam attack. The shield is considered to have the following properties: Unbreakable, Signature, Unique.

Cap has dozens of contacts throughout the world and beyond who would come to his aid if needed. Included are:
  • Any member past or present of the Avengers
  • Any member past or present of the Invaders
  • Any member past or present of the Fantastic Four
  • Nick Fury
  • Sharon Carter
  • Any member of SHIELD
  • The President of the United States
  • Spider-Man
  • Wolverine
  • A majority of the X-Men
  • The Secret Avengers
  • The list goes on and on.

  • Sworn enemies: Cap has a series of enemies that are life-long: The Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Baron Zemo I, Baron Zemo II, the Hate Monger, Baron Von Strucker, Count Nefaria, Baron Blood, Master-Man, and Warrior Woman to name but a few.
  • Idealist: Cap is a strong believer in the basic decency of mankind, and will uphold the ideals of America (but not the politics): Truth, Justice, Fairness, and Honesty with all of his being. As such, Cap has been placed in difficult situations due to his desire to uphold those concepts.
  • Public Identity: Cap revealed his identity as Steve Rogers publicly.
  • Reluctance to take a life: Cap is very reluctant to take a life, and has done so after much reluctance and only under extreme conditions when not in wartime.
  • Man  out of time: Cap is from an older generation, and is not as 'caught up' on things in the modern world. His ideology is far older than his appearance, and he is still occasionally put off by the 'modern' world.

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