Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Abraham Setrakian from 'The Strain'

Abraham Setrakian

Abraham Setrakian

F: Typ (06)
A: Pr (04)
S: Pr (04)
E: Gd (10)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 24
Karma: 70
Resources: Ex (20)
Popularity: 0

Occult Lore Specialist*: Strigoi - Abraham Setrakian knows the Strigoi better than any other human on the planet, and as such, gains a +2CS when dealing with any fact or information regarding their abilities, weaknesses, and habits. While Setrakian does not know the specifics of the origins of the Strigoi, he has a great understanding amassed from 70+ years of pursuing them.
Occult Lore - Generalist and Folklore.
Business/Finance: Small Business
Sharp Weapons

Abraham Setrakian is considered a 'normal' human, but has shown incredible ability to ignore pain and remain focused. As such, Setrakian should be considered to have something akin to Iron Will at Gd (10) rank. The suggestion is that even at 90+ years old with a weak heart, Setrakian is still hunting and incredibly effective at it.

Jack Update: We learned early on that Setrakian was utilizing Strain blood to keep himself alive - as such he is considered to have Gd (10) Longevity when is utilizing it, but requires a source (usually the worms that infest his wife's heart).

Sword: Setrakian utilizes a silver sword with a unique history, which grants him Ex (20) edged damage halving effective body armor. The sword has a history (which is further explained in the books) and has additional properties, but for the purposes of this write-up remains a standard sword. The handle is uniquely made for use by Setrakian's ruined hands, granting him no penalty for single slashes. The sword's blade is considered unbreakable, but the handle is simple worked silver, and can be broken.

Nailgun: Setrakian carries a standard nail-gun (purchased at Home Depot), which is filled with silver nails. The gun has a single area radius and does Pr (4) damage, but each nail is made of solid silver and is considered lethal against the Strigoi

Additional Equipment: Setrakian keeps a well-stocked cache of items for hunting and detecting Strigoi, including silver weapons, a silver mirror (used to detect the presence of Strigoi) and other items. Setrakian will have items on his person when hunting if given time to prepare.

Base of Operations:: Setrakian maintains a base of operation in a secret room below his shop in Manhattan, where he keeps both a private library, his workshop, and the heart of his deceased wife (turned Strigoi). The secret rooms are known only to a few.

Setrakian is mainly a loner, but is allied with several people during the course of The Strain specifically Ephraim Goodwinter, Nora Martinez, and especially Vasiliy Fet. Outside of that, Setrakian is considered to have few connections.

Age: Setrakian, despite being very capable and mentally aware, is pushing 90+. As such, his FASE have begun to reflect his old age. In addition, Setrakian has a weak heart which requires medication. Any Endurance FEAT that is Gd (10) intensity or better requires an additional Endurance FEAT in order for Setrakian to act. Failure in either case incapacitates Setrakian and potentially could begin the dying process.

Obsession: Setrakian is obsessed in detroying the Strigoi, making their destruction his life's work. Setrakian has placed himself in harm's way in the past to destroy them.

Crippled: Setrakian's hands were crippled by the Master Vampire during WWII, and as such, suffers a -1CS for all agility actions requiring use of his hands. Setrakian has compensated, but detail work is difficult if not impossible.

Enemies: Setrakian's activities are known to the Strigoi, and specifically the Master Vampire and specifically his agent, Eichhorst.


I debated Setrakian's Fighting score based on the events of the series and his condition, and settled on Typical (for a 90+ year old!), representing the lifetime of experience despite his physical limitations. I also toyed with the Psyche, as Setrakian is shown to have far greater will in the novels, but opted to remain at the Rm (30) rank as I'm trying to remain close to what I see the series representing. I added the streetwise talent as Setrakian seemed to show both his ability to understand the local criminal scene and recruit the hacker who gained the flight manifest and passenger list. I also included the idea of having generalized Occult Lore as well as the very specialized version as it was implied or suggested he had studied and had various books on the subject while learning about the Strigoi.

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