Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Andre Toulon and Friends from the 'Puppet Master' series

F: Typ (06)
A: Typ (06)
S: Pr (04)
E: Typ (06)
R: Gd (10)
I: Ex (20)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 20
Karma: 60
Resources: Gd (10)
Popularity: 0/5 (In WWII Intelligence circles)

Occult Lore*
Resist: Domination*
Knowledge: Ancient Rituals
Knowledge: Ancient Languages
Artist: Sculptor
Artist: Puppetmaker
Performer: Puppeteer
Sleight of Hand
Stage Magician


Magician: Andre Toulon is a talented man with some knowledge of the occult, passed on to him by another magician he rescued in Egypt from agents of Sutek. As such, Andre Toulon has figured out how to perform the following spells:
  • Animate Object: Andre Toulon can permanently animate inanimate objects, specifically puppets and similar creations, either granting them their own animus or transferring spirits (See Below). Toulon must make a Psyche FEAT in order to do so, and can achieve permanent effects with a Yellow result. In addition, Toulon's puppets are very unique (So much so that the Axis attempted numerous times to capture Toulon and his puppets. Toulon is considered to be the master of this spell (Hence his popularity).
  • Soul Transfer and storage: Andre Toulon can transfer the spirit of individuals into the puppets he creates, and has done so in the past with little preparation or ritual. Toulon can do this with Rm (30) ability, which gains a +1cs if he is on good terms or friendly with the target. Toulon loses karma if he does this, and has only done so a few times in the past.
  • Wards: Toulon has learned to ward areas and his puppets against the powers of Sutek and those who would seek to destroy them. As such, Toulon can ward himself with a Rm (30) Resistance to Magic ward, and can extend this to his puppets.
  • Free Spirit*: Although not expressedly stated, Toulon's spirit has remained after death, and as he became more heroic in later movies, advised his succesors.
  • Additional Abilities: Toulon may have had additional abilities, but they were not defined in the prequel films or the reboot.

Toulon's contacts are limited usually to his own puppets, who are incredibly loyal.


Obsession: Early on, Toulon was obsessed with resurrecting his deceased wife, stopping at nothing to do so.
Obsession: Protecting the secret: Toulon was also obsessed in protecting the secret of his magic.
Enemy: Axis Powers: Toulon is a sworn enemy of the Axis.
Enemy: Sutek: Toulon has inherited the ire of the god Sutek.
Single-Minded: Toulon places the protection of his puppets above everything else.

Toulon's Friends:

Toulon has created over a dozen unique puppets, each with their own abilities and skills, all of which are fanatically loyal to him and his designated allies. Most of the puppets share the following abilities:
  • Body Armor: Pr (04) body armor against physical attacks
  • Immunity to Toxins, Disease, aging, or any other biological attacks
  • +2cs to dodging and evasion due to size (The tallest puppet is 17'' tall)
  • All puppets do not require food, water, or air to exist, although in the second movie, it was alluded that they required regular doses of Toulon's life-giving serum, which was later retconned.
  • Every Puppet can repair itself or others, requiring a complete destruction of the puppet to destroy it.

Of all of his puppets, only three have been featured in every Puppet Master film:


F: Ex (20)
A: Gd (10)
S: Fe (2)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 46
Karma: 26
Popularity: 0
Resources: 0

Sharp Weapons

Puppet Form: See Explanation Above
Blade and Hook: Blade has a right hand which is a sharpened blade and hook for the left, which can do Ex (20) slashing/piercing damage, which halves normal body armor effectiveness. Blade can perform two attacks per round.
Stealth: Blade has Pr (04) stealth. often attacking from surprise.


F: Gd (10)
A: Ex (20)
S: Fe (02)
E: Gd (10)
R: Typ (06)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 42
Karma: 36
Popularity: 0
Resources: 0


Puppet Form: See Explanation Above
Obvious Target: Jester can make himself the obvious target for the others, drawing attention to his actions. Jester gains a +2cs to dodging and evasion, as well as grants his allies +2cs for surprise attacks. Jester is the most colorful of the puppets, adding to his ability to distract individuals.


F: Gd (10)
A: Typ (06)
S: Ex (20)
E: Ex (20)
R: Pr (04)
I: Typ (06)
P: Typ (06)

Health: 56
Karma: 16
Resources: 0
Popularity: 0


Puppet Form: See Above
Body Armor upgrade: Pinhead is the most physically powerful of the puppets (although, other puppets have been made later who were slightly physically more resistant). As such, Pinhead in considered to have Typ (06) Body Armor.

I'm featuring Toulon's main puppets, not the others (Although I could make an entire set of write-up on just the others. This write-up is reflective more of the later films, in which Toulon was more of a victim and later hero rather than just the 'bad guy'.

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