Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Web Woman, mysterious arachnid heroine!

Kelly Webster

F: Ex (20)
A: Rm (30)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Rm (30)

Health: 80
Karma: 70
Popularity: 15
Resources: Gd (10)

Martial Arts: C
First Aid

Insect Ring: Kelly's ring allows her several unique abilities, the least of which is to act as a chief communication method to the space station Citadel 7, as well as the source of her powers. The Ring allows the following:
- Interstellar communication to Scarab, the insect alien that Web Woman saved.
- Animal Mimicry: Insects: Am (50): Web Woman can mimic the natural abilities of insects, amplified to a 'super' level. Most notably Web woman can create webs and web-like objects, solid bio-electrical 'stinger' blasts, and other effects. Web Woman can only draw upon the insect kingdom, and theoretically could do more than listed here.
- Linguistics: The Ring allows Kelly to understand and communicate with Spinner, her sidekick and has been used to translate other languages.

Web-Trac: Kelly's flying vehicle is a space worthy vehicle capable of being remote piloted, The Vehicle provides the following:
Body: Am (50) Control: Ex (20) Speed Am (50) in atmosphere, capable of achieving warp speed theoretically to Citadel 7, although not shown.

Kelly has two main contacts: Scarab, who gave her her powers and serves as a guardian of sorts, and Spinner, her sidekick

Secret ID: The world at large doesn't know that Kelly Webster is Web Woman
Psych Limitation: Either through use or need, Kelly must recite 'Insects of the world, Small creatures of the cosmos, lend me your powers' to transform into Web Woman.

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