Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Morlocks from 'The Time Machine'

Typical Morlock














F: Gd (10)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Ex (20)
I: Ex (20)
P: Gd (10)

Health: 60
Karma: 50
Popularity: 0*/- 50 (to the Eloi, who are fully aware of what the Morlocks are up to)
Resources: Pr (04) as Individuals, although they maintain and control upwards of Mn (75) materials and resources.

Group Tactics
Blunt Weapons


Adapted Physiology: Morlocks are adapted to their role in the dual nature of the future society encounted by the Time Traveler. Morlocks are eternally in darkness, and have adapted been adapted to the harder nature of supporting the Eloi. Morlocks have adapted the following abilities:

  • Darkvision: Morlocks are perfectly adapted to the darkness, and can see in nearly complete darkness wtih Ex (20) ability.
  • Resist: Cold: The Morlocks are covered in a fair degree of whitish hair, which grants them Gd (10) protection against temperatures.
  • Gang Rule: Morlocks are most effective in groups of 4 - 10. For each group of morlocks above 6, the group gains a beneficial bonus of +1cs to their fighting and agility, no health bonus. For every group of morlocks above 10, the group gains a +1cs to Intuition, reflecting on their ability to communally attack and coordinate actions.


Morlocks have no real 'contacts', but they are communal and could theoretically call upon their own kind for assistance.

Morlock Physiology: Morlocks suffer from many limitations due to their adapted physiology:
  • Unusual Looks: Morlocks are hideous, suffering a -2cs for reaction bonuses.
  • Light vulnerability: Morlocks suffer -2cs for actions taken in normal lighting conditions, and additionally suffer 10points per damage per round if exposed to light sources above Ex (20) ability
  • Predators: Morlocks are predators and require meat to survive, usually the Eloi, making them cannibals.

Notes: My take on morlocks are a combination of the original novel and the 1960 movie. There have been other excellent versions.

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