Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Blob from 'The Blob' (1958, 1988)

Kate, there's a man here with some sort of a parasite on his arm, assimilating his flesh at a frightening speed. I may have to get ahead of it and amputate. No... I don't know what it is or where it came from.

Originally conceived as a particle of outer space matter, The Blob represented a different sort of movie monster: Unlike monsters of the era who were aliens bent on world domination or creatures on rampage against mankind, The Blob simply existed and devoured.

The Blob

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (4)
S: Sh X (150) (representing the Blob under full strength and mass)
E: Sh X (150) (representing the Blob under full size and mass)
R: Fe (2)
I: Fe (2)
P: Fe (2)

Health: 308
Karma: 6
Popularity: - 10
Resources: N/A


Amorphous Physiology: The Blob's biomass is one central organism that grows and gains strength through the absorption of organic material. The Blob initially begins as a small mass, then latches onto a larger organism devouring it and increasing its own mass. Ultimately, The Blob will continue to absorb and convert organic material until there is none left. Essentially, The Blob exists only to feed and grow. The larger The Blob is, the faster it consumes material. As such, The Blob has the following abilities:
- Consume organic material: The Blob is permeable, and as such is capable of enveloping large prey with ease. The Blob's ability to consume organic prey is akin to acidic consumption, utilizing a organic acid whose strength is based on size. The larger The Blob is, the stronger the acid. The Blob can dissolve organic material up to it's strength score per round, doing damage accordingly.
- Binding: The Blob attaches to a victim, requiring an appropriate Strength FEAT to detach it, depending on size and scale. The Blob can then pull victims into the center mass with a simple FEAT, allowing it to absorb and digest.
- Growth: For every 100 pounds of organic material The Blob absorbs, it can grow by 1 point. Initially, the Blob starts very small, then absorbs organic material accordingly. Theoretically the Blob's actual limit of growth is uncharted. The Blob's strength and endurance is directly tied to the amount of mass it takes on.
- Movement: The Blob moves similarly to a snail, using a 'foot' to maneuver and occasionally lash out. The Blob's movement rate is tied directly to its size, and while deceptively slow, The Blob is capable of quick moves
- Invulnerability*: The Blob is invulnerable to all forms of physical attacks, disease, toxins, and some energies. As such, attempts to attack the blob are often met with disastrous results, causing The Blob to separate. The Blob cannot be stunned or slammed, causing it instead to break into pieces when red FEATs are made against it.


Despite the abilities of The Blob, it has several key weaknesses:
Inability to digest inorganic material:The Blobcannot consume inorganic material, such as metals, glass, or plastics. As such, defenses can be constructed to prevent The Blob from moving forward, allowing it to be contained.
Fire: Fire will affect the The Blob, causing it 'pain' as it were, and doing superficial damage to it. Fire does a -2cs damage to the Blob.
Cold: Cold is the real weakness to the Blob, causing it +2cs damage and freezing it. The Blob can be contained indefinitely with cold and ice.

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