Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hawkman, the Aerial Avenger


Prince Khufu, Carter Hall, Katar Hol, Nighthawk, the Shining Knight, and various other incarnations throughout time.

F Am 50
A Rm 30
S Ex/Rm 20/30
E Rm/In 30/40
R Ex 20
I In 40
P In 40
Health: 130/150
Karma: 100
Resources: Rm (30)
Popularity: 30

Incarnation Awareness: Hawkman and Hawkgirl are old souls, who are reincarnated from ancient Egypt. Should they die, they will be born again, to wage war against evil. Hawkman has full knowledge of his previous lives, able to utilize and maintain the skills from each life.

Nth Metal:
Hawkman utilizes a remarkable material called “Nth Metal”, which has been linked to his incarnation awareness, increased strength and stamina, and has been fashioned into a variety of weapons and objects, including:
- Nth Wings: Hawkman flies due to a pair of wings fashioned from Nth Metal. The wings allow him to fly at Mn (75) airspeed for short periods. In addition, the Nth material seems to shield Hawkman from most temperatures/enviromental issues with flight.
-Regeneration*: Hawkman seems to heal from damage at an extraordinary rate, and is resistant to disease and the like with Rm (30) ability. As the Atom once said, "Hawkman laughs at anything less than 3rd degree burns"
- Recovery: Hawkman possesses Rm (30) recovery, allowing him to recovery endurance ranks at a far greater rate. Hawkman has recovered from nearly having his arm severed in hours, while at the same time shaking off deadly neurotoxins during his capture at the hands of Roulette.
- Resist: Temperatures: Hawkman resists environmental temperatures with Ex (20) ability, allowing him to ignore most normal climates.

Mace: Hawkman utilizes a mace of unknown material, which is his trademark.
Hawkman can hit for 30 points Blunt Damage, and can throw the mace up to two areas away.

Iron Will: Hawkman possesses great mental fortitude, and is considered to have Rm (30) Iron Will.

Weapons: Hawkman usually carries a variety of archaic weapons with him, ranging from primitive to Thangarian pistols. Hawkman can as an action produce a standard weapon as per PHB.

Hawkman’s talents are extraordinary from so many lives lived, but here are a quick overview:

Mystic Origin*
Repair Tinker
Fighting: All
Weapons: All
Trivia: Ancient Egypt
Weapons Specialist: Mace
Anthropology, Detective/Espinoge
Trivia: Ancient Cultures
Trivia: Historical presence
Trivia: Heroes and Villains
Military*, Pilot
Alien Tech: Thangarian
Physics, Trivia: Ancient Powers
Trivia: DCU secrets
Trivia: Artist
Trivia: Weapons
Weapons Maker

St Roche Police
All Star Squadron
Thanagarian Police
Adam Strange

Incarnation Awareness: Hawkman's memories and background have been used against him in the past, causing internal turmoil as the muddied waters of his previous lives have often left him unaware of the truth of his nature.

Enemies: Hawkman's past lives and current heroic identity have made many enemies.

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