Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Halloween Girl from 'The Nocturnals'

Halloween Girl

Evening "Eve" Horror

F: Pr (4)
A: Typ (6)
S: Pr (4)
E: Gd (10)
R: Gd (10)
I: In (40)
P: In (40)

Health: 24
Karma: 90
Popularity: 0
Resources: Pr (4) (Most is provided by her father, Doc Horror).

Mystic Origin*
Multi-Lingual: Including the speech of the dead and the ancient language which commands the Gunwitch

Halloween Girl has many powers, including:

True Sight: Halloween Girl can see and perceive things as they truly are with In (40) ability. Instances include Eve spotting vampires rather casually, werewolves on sight, and those possessed by the Crim.

Spirit Attractor: Spirits are naturally attracted to Halloween Girl, and she can perform the following as such:
- Spirit SIght: Along with her True Sight, Halloween Girl can see Dead people and the spirits of the afterlife. As such, She possesses astral perception as well with Am (50) rank.
- Spirit Storage: Halloween Girl can store spirits in her plastic pumpkin and toys contained therein, granting them physical bodies in the form of her toys to manipulate as they see fit. The "Toys" are anything but, and have grown to monstrous proportions upon occasion or use. the Toys are very protective of Eve, and will work against anyone who seeks to do her harm.
- Undead Control: Spirits: Eve can manipulate the dead simply by listening to them and offering them safe haven or to finish their unfinished business. Eve's control is based on her Psyche rank, and can be resisted by an opposing psyche rank. In such cases, Eve is at a -2cs to manipulate or force a spirit into one of her toys. Eve rarely does this, as it is 'insulting her friends'.
- Unfazeable: Eve is unfazed by things that should be scary for a girl her age. Eve's best friends consist of eldritch horrors, zombie gunmen, dead spirits, and a school of students just like her. As such, Eve isn't scared by the unusual, she lives it.
- Mystical Potential: Eve has the potential to become a practioner of the mystic arts, but she's only a young teenager and hasn't really gone in that route yet.

The Nocturnals
Doc Horror (Father)
The Gunwitch: Bodyguard and Protector

Youth: Halloween Girl is 13, and even with the experiences she has had, tends to be excited and often too curious for her own good, which has gotten her into trouble more than once (Outskirts of Doom is a good Example).

Photophobia: Eve suffers from a limited degree of Photophobia, as does her father and most denizens of the 'Black Planet'. The Photophobia makes Evening more active at night.

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