Sunday, August 30, 2020

Doomhead from '31'

 'You know what they say, kemosabe, in Hell, everybody loves popcorn.



















F: Rm (30)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Rm (30)
R: Gd (10)
I: Rm (30)
P: Ex (20)

Health: 80
Karma: 60
Resources: Typ (06)
Popularity: 0*(See Below)

Doom-Head has displayed the following Talents:
Unarmed Fighting
Sharp Weapons
Blunt Weapons
Improvised Weaponry*
Knowledge: Torture
Knowledge: ‘31’
Knowledge: Psychological Warfare
Knowledge: Game Area

Doom-Head is the final ‘head’ released during the game of ‘31’, the most dangerous of the killers that the victims chosen for the game must face. In essence, Doom-Head is a normal person, and with most of the ‘normal’ people in my write-ups, he’s got unusual ‘pseudo-abilities’ that grant him greater advantages:

  • Unique Karma Rules: Doom-Head is the most dangerous of all of the hunters of ‘31’, and specifically has earned that title through tenacity, brutality, and viciousness. Doom-Head gains karma through taunting his victims, and doubles his normal award when he successfully kills a 
  • victim he is stalking. Unlike the other ‘heads’, Doom-Head may spend karma from a karma pool established by the three main figures of ‘31’ – Sister Dragon, Sister Serpent, and Father Napoleon Silas Horatio-Murder. The ‘31’ Karma pool is equal to the combined karma scores of the victims ‘playing’ the game, which will be spent to ensure Doom-Head makes critical rolls including vs. Death and the like until exhausted. Doom-Head will always spend Karma for kill results out of his personal score.
  • 31 Environment and Game: The ‘31’ environment and game are played over the course of 12 hours in a location which is completely inaccessible and out of the way, consisting of rooms, mazes, dangers, and of course, killers. Once ‘31’ has begun and Father Napoleon has started the game, exits are sealed and, in many cases, hidden, forcing those playing to search for both safety and escape. Those who are in the ‘31’ area seem to be disoriented and suffer -2cs to Intuition FEATS while traveling or navigating through the disorienting maze. The Head (and especially Doom-Head) do not suffer the penalty of the disorientation, as they have ‘played’ 31 enough to be used to the areas and aspects. The ‘Aristocrats can observe and bet on the progress of the ‘players’, often making bets accordingly. After six hours or if the number of the players is reduced to half, the Aristocrats allow Doom-Head to enter and exits are opened to the outside area. Doom-Head will stalk and murder any survivors, specifically seeking out the most wounded or vulnerable first and saving the strongest for last. Doom-Head gains a +1cs on top of his abilities for Stealth and ‘getting the drop’ on individuals while inside the ‘31’ play area.
  • Ignore Pain: Doom-Head can ignore his own pain, allowing him to act and stay conscious even if damaged through a simple Endurance FEAT, and can ignore any Stun effect that is not greater than his Endurance. Doom-Head can still be slammed and takes full damage from effects.

Doom-Head relies on the Aristocrats.

Doom-Head has the following limitations:
  • Bound to the rules of the game: Doom-Head is bound to the rules of ‘31’, and follows them to the letter – so when a victim actually ‘wins’ while Doom-Head is engaged with them, Doom-Head will immediately stop. Doom-Head follows the game to the letter.
  • Sense of Duty: Doom-Head follows the orders and implied commands of the Aristocrats with little question.
  • Secret ID*: Through implication Doom-Head has a ‘normal’ identity, which is never mentioned a factor.
  • Bloodthirsty and Sadistic: Doom-Head is a murderer who enjoys his work. Doom-Head will act in accordance with his bloodthirst.

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