Sunday, August 30, 2020

H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

























 F: Sh-X (150)
A: Pr (4)
S: Sh-X (150)
E: CL 1000 (1000)
R: Un (100)
I:  Un (100)
P: CL 1000 (1000)

Health: 1340
Karma: 1200
Resources: N/A
Popularity: - 30/ -100


Theoretically, Cthulhu possesses every talent mankind has access to, specifically professional and knowledge talents, although in Call of Cthulhu no significant talents are displayed.


Elder Alien Being: While often mistaken for a 'God', the manifestation of Cthulhu is actually an alien being, originally born in deep space and on Earth. Cthulhu is not a creature that one could completely catalog, displaying unusual physical characteristics and capable of many abilities when awakened, which occurs during certain planetary alignments and prompted by human cultists. Cthulhu is an age-old threat, whose full powers and extent of abilities are not fully marked in any of his Lovecraftian appearances. Cthulhu has displayed the following attributes:

  • Invulnerability: Cthulhu is invulnerable (CL1000) to standard forms of common damage, such as toxins, radiation, disease, deep space, great depths, environmental, aging, or any of the other normal means of damage. Cthulhu's body can be damaged, as seen when its head was destroyed by a ship ramming it, but it does not actually take damage unless done under certain undefined conditions.
  • Alien Mind: Cthulhu's mind is alien, granting it the ability of Telepathy, Mind Probe, Mind Drain, Psychic Shield, Mind Blast, and Dream Travel all at Mn (75). Cthuhu's alien mind prevents telepathic contact, granting it CL1000 Psi-Screen, while at the same time, anyone attempting to read Cthulhu's thoughts will suffer a Psyche FEAT against Un (100) intensity or suffer madness/be incapacitated for a length of time determined by the judge (While this part is not in the novel, it is probably as many of those who allowed Cthulhu to enter their thoughts in the short story were mad due to it).
  • Regeneration: Cthulhu can regenerate its body with Sh-Z (500) ability, as its head began to reform moments after it was struck by the small yacht and destroyed
  • Permanent growth: Cthulhu is well over 200' feet tall, having permanent growth
  • Self-Sustenance: Cthulhu does not need to eat, breath, or even sleep (Although it can be put to sleep) to survive.
  • Cosmic Awareness: As it stated within the story, Cthulhu is aware of everything within the universe, possessing Cosmic Awareness at Cl1000
  • Flight: While Cthulhu did not fly in the short story, it was clearly stated it possessed wings and had arrived on Earth from outer space. It would be safe to assume Cthulhu could fly with CL1000 ability, capable of warping to other worlds.
  • Natural Weaponry: Claws: Cthulhu possesses large claws, capable of rending most materials with Un (100) ability.
  • Multiple Attacks: As described as a kraken, Cthulhu is probably capable of multi-attacks, at least at Am (50)


Various human cults around the world
Other elder beings.
RPG companies.


  • Forced Slumber: Cthulhu is only active for a short time due to a special alignment of stars, which do not come into alignment often. As such, Cthulhu is forced into sleep amid the ruined submerged city of R'yleth. Cthulhu is completely in a state of suspended animation, and cannot interact with the world.
  • Enemies: Cthulhu's activities are often opposed by other beings.
  • Monstrous looks: Cthulhu is hideous and as such, makes any such checks at -4cs.



Just a quick note.

I wrote these stats back in 2010 and there were some debates. I'm simply reposting them here for consistency as I'm trying to pull all the stats I've done over the years in once location. I'm not modifying these stats in any way except to correct grammar and new images. 

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