Sunday, August 30, 2020

Samara Morgan from 'The Ring'

 Samara Morgan













(note, FASE represents values while she was alive)

F: Pr (4)
A: Pr (4)
S: Pr (4)
E: In (40)
R: Gd (10)
I: Am (50)
P: Am (50)

Health*: 52
Karma: 110
Popularity: - 5
Resources: Fe (2) (While living)

Mystic Origin*

Powerful Psychic: Samara Morgan possessed amazing psychic gifts as a child, allowing her to corrupt and destroy the people around her. Never sleeping, Samara's actions ultimately caused her own death, which increased her abilities and allowed existence in the mortal realm after death. Samara's abilities granted her several powers which she often used without hesitation, and included:

  • Psionic Manifestation: Samara could manifest herself in the living world after death through electronic devices or through possessed individuals. Samara's manifestations were solid and capable of inflicing real damage.
  • Fear Generation: Samara could generate Am (50) intensity fear, forcing individuals to make opposing FEATs or begin the dying process. If an individual failed or received a Green opposing FEAT, they would begin the dying process. If the victim received a Yellow FEAT, they would be stunned for 1-10 rounds. Samara would use her Fear generation in conjuction with her manifestation.
  • Increased Endurance: Samara's endurance was far greater than a child her age and build, capable of surviving both a traumatic attack as well as seven days within a well. Samara also never seemed to need to sleep, not requiring it for rest.
  • Hallucinations*: Samara has the ability to cause realistic hallucinations that can affect all living creatures, capable of distorting electronic imagery. and affecting lower life forms with Am (50) intensity. Samara often uses her hallucinations to weaken the resolve of individuals, driving them mad.
  • Psionic Internal Limbo: Once Samara died, her spirit moved into existence within a pseudo limbo, based around the images of her 'video' (See Curse). Samara's spirit dwells within the well amid the images, as her it was where her body had been placed within the real world.
  • Samara's "Curse": Samara's psionic abilities allowed her to pass onto a video tape, which has become an urban legend. In essence, Samara seeks to inflict the damage done to her to victims who watch her tape. After viewing the tape, the victim receives a call with a ghostly voice which says 'Seven Days'. Once a victim has seen the video tape, Samara may begin to affect the individual with her powers. At the end of the seven days, Samara gains full power and can manifest herself to the individual, usually using a television or other electronic imaging device, and kills the victim with cardiac arrest. In addition, the individual begins to show signs of bruising and smallpox-like symptoms, such as welts and fever. The individual can escape the fate by making a new copy of the tape and passing the curse along, but they are still within Samara's 'thrall'.
  • Telepathy: While not expressly stated, Samara has some level of telepathy at Gd (10).
  • Possession*: Samara can possess former victims who escape her curse with Ex (20) ability, choosing usually children (so far).



Rules of the Curse: Samara is seemingly bound by certain features of her curse. First, Samara cannot affect anyone who has not seen the video tape or has strong connections to intended victims. Samara's powers affect only those who have seen the tape, and can only begin to affect the individuals after the initial viewing. While Samara can manifest her powers through victims, she is limited to affecting only those individuals who have strong emotional connections to them.

Trapped: Samara can be trapped in her limbo by sealing the well's opening in the dreamworld. If Samara's well is sealed, Samara loses all ability to manipulate or affect the living world, including affecting former victims.

Hideous: Samara always manifests as a young girl who is decomposing, suffering a -1cs reaction.

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