Monday, August 31, 2020

Renfield from 'Dracula' (1931)

 Oh no, master. I wasn't going to say anything, I told them nothing. I am loyal to you master.

M.R. Renfield









M.R. Renfield

F: Typ (06)
A: Gd (10)
S: Gd (10)
E: Ex (20)
R: Typ (06)
I: Gd (10)
P: Gd (10)* (See Below)

Health: 46
Karma: 26
Resources: Formerly Gd (10)
Popularity: - 4 (As a madman and last survivor of the Vespa/Demeter)


Knowledge: Law
Knowledge: International Law
Knowledge: London Area

Madman and Vampire Thrall
Renfield is one of Count Dracula's first real 'London' victims. Rather than kill him or turn him, Dracula utilizes Renfield to ensure the safe delivery of his earthen boxes and the securing of properties around London (although, it was Jonathan Harker who actually made the trip to Castle Dracula). Renfield has gone mad due to the Count's influence, and has several key abilities and pseudo-powers accordingly:

  • Increased FASE: Renfield is shown to be far more agile and strong than the typical man, either due to his madness of Dracula's powers. Renfield can easily shrug off a man larger than himself or escape from a straight jacket.
  • Thrall of Dracula: Renfield is the thrall of Dracula - As such, Dracula can see through Renfield's eyes, and utilizes Renfield to perform tasks that Dracula cannot or chooses not to. Renfield is in telepathic communication with Dracula, although, Renfield has the tendency to speak out loud. The bond is considered mostly unbreakable, although Renfield can resist Dracula's control at times with a successful Yellow PSYCHE Feat. When in the thrall of Dracula, Dracula may spend his own karma to affect Renfield's results and behavior, and can actually spend karma *against* Renfield's results to enforce compliance.
  • Telelocation: Dracula: It is clear that Renfield knows where Dracula is at most times, and can find his way to his master at different points. The range of the telelocation is Rm (30). Dracula also knows where Renfield is at most points.

Renfield's contacts before Dracula have nothing to do with him. After the travel to the Count's castle, Renfield has Dracula as a contact - but it is not an equal contact. Renfield theoretically has Dr. John Seward as a contact.

Renfield has the following limitations:
  • Notoriety: Renfield is known as the sole survivor of the Demeter/Vespa, and was obviously mad from the experience
  • Dracula's Slave: Renfield is the (un)willing slave to Dracula, which means he must do Dracula's bidding at all times.
  • Madman - Renfield is obviously a madman, and is known as such.

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